Chapter 8

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"Aren't you in first year?" Jungkook heard the deep voice speak in front of him causing him to raise his head from the text book he was struggling to understand.

He looked up at the male in front of him, he had blond hair and very beautiful features with a mole under is nose yet it was a compliment not a flaw.

"Ain't you a first year student?" The blond male asked again bringing Jungkook back to earth.

Jungkook tinted his head to the side looking at the older not sure why he was suddenly asked the question.

"For a first year student you should be reading Essential physiology. The one you are reading is too complicated for your year" the older male advice seeing the younger still looking at him with those confused Bambi eyes.

He took a seat in front of the younger and opened a textbook to start reading when the younger spoke up still looking at him with confused eyes.

"M-mh... do you have to sit here? there are other empty desk in here" Jungkook said to the older who didn't look his way.

"It's a public place bun, I can sit anywhere" the older said without looking up at him.

Jungkook just stared at him for a while before getting up to get the text book the older advised to see if it will be easier to understand but when he came back the older had left.

Jungkook suddenly woke up by the beeping of his pager. He groaned and turned it off. He looked around to realized he was sleeping on the doctors quarter and the time was 9am.

He only had four hours of sleep, the teen finally woke up around 4am to his relief so after checking and doing the normal routine he had dragged his tired muscles in here and collapsed into one of the beds without even removing his coat.

He stood up, picked up a fresh scrub heading to the bathroom to freshen up and change so he can resume work. His plan was to head first to the shift planner office to complain again.

He found himself in front of the office one hour later. He gently pushed the door open and walked in to meet the ugly face of the lady in charge of shifts with her overly red lipstick.

"Good morning Mrs Lee" he greeted forcing a smile in his face

"Good morning Dr Jeon, what can I do for you today?" She asked not looking up from her computer chewing gum like a goat eating grass.

"I'm here about my shift again, I really need to consider changing my shift to the normal one because this one is killing me and I can't handle it anymore" he said in one breath

Mrs Lee looked up at him with frowned brows before typing into her computer probably checking to confirm something.

"I have told you before Dr Jeon, there is nothing we can do for now. We are short of experienced general surgeon. Without you around the A&E is just bare. Please manage till we can get someone to do the shifts with you"

"What do you mean?! You have been saying this for two months now, is it my fault you have incompetent resident doctors why do I have to suffer for it?" Jungkook said through gritted teeth causing the woman to raise her brows.

"There is nothing I can do Dr Jeon. If that will be all please I would like to go back to work" she said

Jungkook angrily walked out of the office.

Taehyung sat down after removing his coat. Luckily he didn't have any surgery today so he can look into some paper work. He picked up the first file and noticed it was the schedule he requested for last night. He didn't get to look into it before his surgery last night

He opened it and within few second of glancing through he frowned at the ridiculous schedule the younger was in.

"Yeonjun?!" He called

"Yes sir" his assistant rushed into the office.

"Get me Mrs. Lee at once" he demanded and Yeon rushed out of the office immediately

After some minutes there was a knock in his door which he gave a small 'come in' as he continued going through the papers in his hand.

"Sir, Mrs Lee is here as requested" taehyung heard his assistant say causing him to look up.

"Mrs Lee, can you explain how the shift is for the medical staffs in this hospital?" He asked looking the woman dead in the eyes.

"Hu-h, it's a Four day, four night and four off shift for every medical staff" the woman nervously answered not sure what exactly the problem was

"Good. And why is the shift that way again?"

"Because the health of our medical staffs comes first"

"So why the hell is this particular doctor working all through the week with only a Sunday off!" He asked, one could hear the growl and anger beneath his voice.

Mrs Lee looked at the file the doctor was pointing at causing her eyes to widen.

"Yes!" Taehyung asked causing the woman to flinch a little at his tone

"Well, because he is the most experienced resident doctor available all the head surgeons always request for him to be available during their shif....."

"What the hell are you saying? You mean you let a staff work himself to death because of the incompetence of others?!" Taehyung was beyond angry and the woman dumbfounded

"Yeonjun, follow her and get me the names of all the resident doctors we have. We are redoing the screening test. As for you Mrs Lee if you so much as value your job reschedule this staff to the normal shift immediately"

He instructed, the two rushed out of the office before Taehyung picked up his phone to make a call.

"Hyung? We are conducting a screening test for all resident doctors today"

"What happened? Why all of a sudden?" Namjoon said from the other side of the phone

"You won't believe what I just found out today about the shifts because there are no competent residents"

"I will call for a meeting" the older said before hanging up.


See you next chapter

I purple you


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