Chapter 18

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"Hello beautiful" Felix greated standing up from his seat to welcome Jungkook with a hug before pulling out a seat for him to seat.

Jungkook chuclked at the gentleman gesture before taking a seat.

"Hope you came with an empty stomach because I have a lot of nice dishes I want you to try out today" Felix said a little too excited to jungkook

"Are you not supposed to eat a little when you hang out with people for the first time" Jungkook chuclked

"Well, We have to be as real as possible here" the blond responded with a smile.

Jungkook smiled as well before picking up the menu to see what was more appetizing to get.

"Hope you don't mind me ordering for you as well, you would love it and if you don't which is impossible we will just get something else" Felix offered to which Jungkook nodded placing down his menu.

After a few minutes the Chef came to take their order to Jungkook's surprise.

He used the moment to look around the fancy restaurant that's looks very expensive and completely empty. Did this dude really rent out the whole place for a dinner.

"I was surprised when I checked your card and saw you are a doctor. You look so young"

"Well it is what it is" Jungkook said bring his attention back to the handsome man.

"You are like 21?"

Jungkook bursted into laughter before looking at the other with a raised brow to confirm he was joking but Felix seem to be serious. The waiter arrived with a bottle of red wine and poured into their glasses before leaving them again to probably get their food.

"Well I'm 24 and will be 25 in a few months" he spoke

"Whoa, you look way younger" Felix said surprised.

Jungkook just nodded with a smile before snipping on his glass of wine. This isn't a new reaction of people about his age

"So what do you specialized in?" Felix asked to continue the conversation.

"I am a general surgeon"

"That's so cool and weird at the same time"

"Why weird?" Jungkook asked curiously. It the first time someone have ever associated surgery with weird, well maybe he only had medical associates.

"It's weird to know that you know how all my internal organs look like" Felix said acting a little weirded out "Sorry I don't like the thought nor sight of blood"

Jungkook just stared at him weirdly before shaking his head with a smile, it's new to hear someone having an opposite description of the medical field. Jungkook grew up with medical partitioners around him.

"Enough of me, tell me something about yourself. I Only know your name and that you are good with cars"

Jungkook asked trying to move the attention away from himself as the waiters started serving their table.

They started eating after the waiters left and Jungkook was surprised at how good the food looked and tasted and Felix was proud at his choices.

They ate in silent for a while before Felix took a sip of his wine before going ahead to answer Jungkook's question.

"Well You know my name and I am a mechanical engineer or what you guys call a mechanic. So while you guys open the human body I open vehicles" he answered with a smile

Jungkook also smiled at the little joke because he is definitely not just a mechanic if he can rent out this whole place

"You mentioned that you were not from around here?" He asked

"Yeah, moved down to here last year"

"Oh wow, your Korea is not bad atall for such a short time"

"Well my both parents are Koreans but live in Europe so I was born and brought up there" Jungkook explained

"Why did you move to Korea then?"

"That's a story for another day" Jungkook said looking down at his phone and Felix could see that the other didn't want to discuss that topic to he went ahead to change the topic.

"How have you enjoying the city since you arrived"

"Been too busy to check it out" Jungkook shrugged and Felix gasped

"You haven't explored the city? Really?" He asked a little surprised to which Jungkook just shook his head. "Well I'm glad we met, I will love to show you around anytime you are free"

Jungkook just nodded having at the back of his mind to make out time to hang out with Jimin as he was the first person to ask to take him around town.

They continued talking while food after food came to their table and finally they were ready to go.

Felix walked Jungkook to his car.

"Thanks for dinner, it was really nice" Jungkook said turning towards the male.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" Felix smiled back at him "I hope it won't be weird for me to ask you something"

Jungkook sighed thinking the guy was going to ask him out just because he agreed to have dinner with him.

"It's a little weird but since I found out you were a doctor I wanted to ask this" Felix continued causing Jungkook to frown a little "How can you know someone is faking pregnancy"

Jungkook brows shot up in shock. Did he hang out with a married man?

"Hey slow down, I'm not involved with anyone. I am talking about my sister the one I mentioned earlier. She claims she is pregnant which I highly doubt and I saw her chunking down a bottle of alcohol"

Jungkook sighed out in relief but was curious as to why he would doubt his own sister but that's not his business "Well I'm not a gynecologist but you can test for it with her urine or blood. I believe they sell those test kits in the stores"

Felix nodded as they already reached the doctor's car.

"Thank you for honoring my invite Dr Jeon and I hope we can hang out again" he said jokingly bowing at the other you laughed and he was satisfied that the doctor had a great time with him.

"We will see about that" Jungkook responded before getting into his car and waving the other bye and drove off.

The remaining three days off was spent with either Jimin taking him around town which always consisted of shopping after shopping, pecs of having a rich boyfriend, movies and parks or his outing with Felix who was more of an expensive person because their outing consisted of boat cruise, a flight to Jeju island to have breakfast or just driving around Seoul and eating everything they can get their hands on. It ended with Felix inviting him for an official gathering with some business associate that was holding in two weeks.

Jungkook was happy.

So happy he didn't notice he hasn't thought about taehyung none seen him for a while now.


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I purple you


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