Chapter 4

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It was about thirty minutes since their food arrived and they have been eating in silent. Taehyung was silently picking on his food, he wasn't much of a gathering person but his friends insisted Since it's been years.

The junior colleagues were over joyed for the free meal as they ordered everything on the menu, he was anticipating the younger when he walked him and he would lie if he said he wasn't surprised at the younger's body structure.

The younger has grown so much the past years, grew taller almost to him and his muscles became more toned must be working out to get those thighs.

He couldn't look away when the younger walked upstairs still had that bold aura but humble personality.

It felt like ages since they seperated at the airport five years ago and seeing the younger again today at the hospital brought back a lot of memories.

"So Jungkook do you have someone you are dating?" Hoseok asked causing Jungkook to almost choke on his food and Seokjin passed him a glass of water. Both Yoongi and Taehyung glared at the latter who raised his hand in surrender

"It was a harmless questions, didn't plan to choke him to death" he said before facing Jungkook again "Are you okay?" He enquired which Jungkook nodded to.

"Good, so?" He asked urging the younger to answer his initial question.

"Leave the kid alone" Yoongi instrusted the other.

"Come on! He just moved here from the states and as you can see he is in his prime and would need someone to be with to avoid been lonely" hoseok explained his reason causing Jungkook to hid his face in embarrassment earning a chulck from the older doctors all expect the raven who was silent.

"So? I could help you find someone plus some of us are single here if you also do guys" hoseok urged earning himself a smack on the head by Yoongi.

Just as hoseok was about to retailate someone walked into the restaurant causing a little commotion downstairs which earned the doctors attention to the door.

And hoseok groaned "I thought it was strictly colleagues what is she doing here?" He asked the raven who was looking at the intruder with a blank expression.

The lady saw him and immediately smiled hopping her way upstairs.

"Hey guys!" She beamed as she approached their table walking straight to Taehyung aiming to place a kiss on his lips but the raven turned his face causing the kiss to land on his check leaving a little lipstick stain

"Hi Jennie" Namjoon and Seokjin greeted the model who smiled at them

"Hi Jennie, didn't know you would get so much free time to crash a party you weren't invited to" Hoseok said sarcastically, it was obvious he wasn't fond of the lady

"Oh, if it's not the sunshine of the group" Jennie replied faking a smile to match his energy

Jungkook was frozen in his seat at the event taking place in front of him. Did this lady just kiss taehyung? He didn't expect the older to be single all the while though not expecting him to be with a girl.

He tried to contain the sour expression forcing it's way to his face as he continued to eat looking for a window to give an excuse and disappear from there.

"And who is this? I have never seen him before, didn't know you guys would ever invite anyone to your circle"

Jungkook noticed he was the one been referred to but didnt bother to raise his head

"Everybody is invited to our circle expect you" Yoongi mumbled loud enough for the lady to hear

"I will just invite myself then" she scoffed "Moreover I am already part of the circle as Taehyung's finance and soon to be wife"

Jungkook chocked on the piece of meat in his mouth, he quickly bowed his head in apology to the senior doctors before running out of the restaurant.

His head was running in speed of light as he found himself outside of the restaurant looking for his car. He got in and immediately uncapped a bottle water and gulped down half of it to clear his throat.

He sighed relief for a few seconds before everything came to him.

So taehyung is engaged.

So much for 'this is not the end of us'

He can't believe he really held on to that word and hoped for the best when he packed his things immediately after school flying down to Seoul in search of his love.

He smiled sadly as tears fell down his cheeks. He was such a fool, such so stupid fool for having hopes.

Jungkook scolded himself as he cried in his car still packed outside the restaurant

Was this the end of them after five years of him struggling to heal from the hurt of the older breaking up with him and abandoning him. He had held unto the older's promise of this not been their end which was why he was here but he once again shattered his heart. Jungkook cried till he could no longer form sound from his vocals.

He rested his head on the steeling wheel to gather his thought before dragging his life back to his empty apartment.

Everything was a waste.



I purple you


897 words

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