Chapter 5

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Jungkook woke up to a banging headache, he groan at the discomfort wondering why he feels like he was having a hangover when he didn't even take a sip of alcohol last night.

Last night?

Just as his mind was about to wander back to the painful night he heard his phone ringing which was the source of his waking up in the first place.

He blindly roamed his hands around his bed in search of the ringing phone and picked the call immediately he found it.

"Hello?" He answered

"Pumpkin, Ah I finally got through" came the female voice from the other side of the phone

"Mum?" Jungkook asked his brain finally recognizing his mum's voice

"Yes baby, how are you? I have been trying to call you for a while now but it seems too early over there"

Jungkook struggling to sit up on his bed resting his back on the bed board before opening his eyes properly to look at the alarm clock by his bed side to see it was past 5am.

"I'm okay ma, it's not too early. How are you and Papa"

"We are good . Hope you are eating well and getting enough rest? Hope the hospital is not stressing you so much"

"Everything is good tho I can't cook still so I end up eating takeout which is tasteless sometimes. I miss your food so much ma" Jungkook whined into the phone causing his mum to scoff

"You're always too lazy to learn how to cook now see you suffering from it" the mum scolded.

"Don't scold me, ma. It's also your fault for spoiling me like this" he teased

"Not false and do I regret it? Nope! never. I will spoil my pumpkin all over again because you are my only baby" his mother responded causing Jungkook to giggle

"I miss you mum"

"You can still come back, it's not too late. The offers are still very much open. If you don't want to join your Dad you can always join the Johnson's specialist hospital Mr John was unhappy you declined his offer"

Jungkook sighed at his mum trying to persuade him back "I can make my own decisions now mum, I thought you agreed with me"

"You can't blame me, having my only son half way across the world is not easy to accept"

"I promised I will come visiting once I get stable here" Jungkook said in a small voice understand where is mum was coming from.

"Is everything really going well. You have enough money to take care of yourself right?"

"Mum I'm fine, I can take care of myself, the hospital pays very well and it's just me how much can I ever spend"

"Just asking, plus you are my baby so I'm still responsible for you somehow"

"Understood mum"

There was a little moment of silent on the phone which Jungkook knew what was coming next and he dreaded the question

"Kook Have you met him yet?" She finally asked the question causing Jungkook to gulp down the pain forming in his throat. What could he possible tell his mum that the man who had made him change the course of his life was already in another person's arms.

"Not yet mum" he lied and could hear his mum sigh in defeat

"I hope you know what you are doing baby, You know you can tell me anything anytime. I will always be here" Jungkook fight the urge to breakdown crying at his mum's words.

"I know m-mum" he responded swallowing the cry that was threatening to come out of his throat "I have to go now, I have an early shift today" he added immediately and hung up before his mum would notice the crack in his voice and suspects anything.

He sighed as the call finally ended. He remembers how much he had to persuade his mum to allow him move to south Korea after his studies. She had refused to the very last moment till Jungkook opened up about taehyung saying he really had to go looking for him hoping the older was still waiting for him.

That had done the trick and the mum made him promise that he was going to return immediately things don't work out as he anticipated but there was really no way of going back now.

He is already building a career here plus he still needs to talk to Taehyung to hear his part of the story if he really didn't wait or was he just too late.

With that he stood up from the bed deciding to make himself a healthy breakfast to start his day. Well breakfast consisting of toast bread hopefully he doesn't burn them today and a cup of coffee maybe some scrambled eggs he thought.

After spending almost an hour in the kitchen with two set of burnt toast and a confusing scrambled eggs as a result of his hard work he gave up deciding to just eat out today as usual.

He cleaned up the mess at the kitchen before heading back to his bedroom to prepare for the day.



I purple you


867 words

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