Chapter 19

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It was the night of the event Jungkook had promised to join Felix at.

He got down from the limousine which the other had sent to come pick him up, he was a little nervous because he is not much of an event person and the venue of this event was overwhelming with all the reporters flashing their cameras at the extremely wealthy CEOs.

He gently walked into the place avoiding the red carpet. He was already contemplating turning around and going back to the car till Felix showed up but the mentioned appeared with a big smile and gave him a hug.

"I'm so happy you could make it, it would have been so boring here"

Jungkook gave him a small smile before allowing himself to be pulled into the place, bowing and smiling absentmindedly at the people the other introduced him to.

The party was very intimading Jungkook must say, he is not very familiar with the faces but the few he recognized and was introduced to were the top notch of the country making him wonder who exactly Felix was.

He was currently standing with his glass of champagne trying to listen to the conversation his host was having with some older men when he felt eyes on him. Out of curiosity of who might know him in the crowd he looked around for the pair of eyes and when he met them all the air in his lungs were knocked out as he held his breath and the eye contact.

At the first sight he saw a glint of sadness in the older doctors eyes but it quickly disappeared into a blank stare but he didn't look away. Jungkook wasn't sure why he was suddenly nervous seeing his past lover after a few days of not seeing him atall.

He gulped at those feeling he forgot this past days crawling up his spine. His eyes must have had those pleading or longing in them because he saw Taehyung gulp as well and his blank expression soften at him.

"Hey Kook" Jungkook suddenly felt Felix say and soon after a arm gently placed on his lower back causing him to look at the other who smiled at him "Hope you ain't bored yet" Felix asked bringing his fingers to remove a strand of hair falling out of place.

Jungkook absentmindedly nodded before looking back at those pair of brown eyes and surprising Taehyung was still looking at him but looked away when Jungkook met eyes with him

After about ten more minutes, Jungkook started feeling a little suffocated with the crowd of unfamiliar faces and told Felix he wanted to step out for some air which the other worriedly offered to go out with him. Jungkook smiled at the other's understanding and didn't mind the hands on his waist as they walk out.

Taehyung finally looked away when the duo walked out of the room causing him to release the breath he didn't know he was holding.

He brought his palm to his chest putting a little pressure as he massaged to ease the ache he felt there, he was finding it a little difficult to breath again.

"Hey baby" he heard the high pitched voice call his name which he ignored not sparing the annoying lady a glance, he isn't surprised to see her here because as a model this kind of events are not missed.

He took a sip of the drink in his hands hoping it will smoothen his burning chest when he felt Jennie hook her hands on his arms but one glare from him had her pulling away with a pout.

Taehyung dropped the glass and walked away, looking for a way outside because he couldn't differentiate the pain coming from his chest to be from his heart or lungs, it might be both because with the different fragrance of expensive perfumes in the air his lungs would deffinitely be acting up and the sight of the younger with someone else that is possibly why his heart was aching too.

He groaned as he managed to walk out into the open where there were no cameras hoping the fresh air would be able to smoothen the aches but it was probably too late when he lungs tightened and he is gasping for air.

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