Chapter 20

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The blond doctor heard the angry voice of his best friend boom all over the house but he was too weak to move a muscle so he stayed cuddled up in his blanket feeling dead inside.

He heard the older march upstairs to his room till the door was harshly pushed open, which didn't startle him already expecting that from an angry Jimin.

"If you weren't my best friend, I would punch you so hard till your beautiful face becomes unrecognizable!" Jimin shouted kicking the bed so hard and whines the next second from the hard impact on his feet.

After a couple of curses at the bed Jimin finally sighed seeing his best friend's not even in the mood to respond to his anger.

"Really babe, why are you doing this to yourself and that poor boy" Jimin said more quietly this time and Taehyung felt his heart bleed at the mention of Jungkook as tears found their way down his eyes which he didn't even have the strength to wipe off.

Jimin climbed into the bed to which Taehyung immediately crawled into his arms wanting comfort from his best friend.

Jimin sighed before wrapping his arms around the younger. This two people are going to kill him if they keep going like this.

It wasn't hard to recognize Jungkook that day at the cafeteria And He wasn't surprised at the gentleness and beauty of the young doctor because he had a lot of their pictures together that taehyung always shared with him from Europe.

He was also aware of the breakup which Taehyung had thought was for the younger's own good but the morning after his birthday taehyung had called him crying his heart out that Jungkook had not moved on from him.

It was a painful sight to watch his best friend cry while blaming himself for hurting his baby so much and it was another level of pain watching Jungkook crying a few hours ago at how his first love had moved on with a pregnant fiance and how he was still madly inlove with taehyung.

He could feel Taehyung breakdown again in his arms and it has been like this since he had found out Jungkook still loved him and he knew why it was hard for Taehyung to run into his loves arms.

Talking about the said reason, the model badged into taehyung's room.

"Tae! Why would you leave without me?" Her whinny voice said out immediately she entered the room and her face scrunch up in irritation when she saw her fiance wrapped up in the arms of his best friend.

Jimin glared at her but she glared back at him "You can go now, I am here to take care of him" she said knowing not to mention how they were holding each other because she knows Jimin would not hesitate to slap her.

"Get out of here" Jimin warned not wanting to startle taehyung with his anger but the irritation could be heard from his voice.

Jennie stood her ground with a challenging glare at the other which caused Jimin to tint his head to the side wondering what was giving her the gunts to challenge him and he tried pulling away from taehyung and dragging her by the hair out of the room but taehyung held unto him not wanting him to leave.

Jimin sighed holding the younger to his chest trying to ignore the model while picking up his phone to text Mr Yung who appeared within five minutes and gently walked the girl out.

But he heard her mention taehyung had an attack so she wanted to see how he was doing causing Jimin to try pulling away from taehyung but the younger held him down not allowing him move away.

"I'm fine now" the doctor mumbled against his chest knowing Jimin was worried about his health.

Jimin sighed and started combing the younger's hair with his fingers, trying to smoothen his nerves.

"Tae, you can't continue like this. Do you know I watched kookie crying for hours today" he mentioned feeling the younger's hold around him tighten at the mention of the younger doctor crying because of him.

"As much as you think you have hurt him and don't deserve to be forgiven, you need to realize that you are yourself hurting as well and staying away would only harm both of you"

"I know-w" Taehyung mumbled with his voice breaking at the end and Jimin knows that he is going to start crying again "We can't do anything till she gives birth"

"That's too far Tae... We need to do something to prove that she is lying about everything" Jimin said his voice rising a little but taehyung did not flinch.

"I have tried hyung but Dad only thinks I'm lying and trying to avoid my responsibilities"

"We both know that not the reason your Dad chose not to believe you. He is just scared of his political reputation if Jennie's family choose to drag the matter to the media"

Taehyung just nodded knowing that was also the case.

"Why don't you talk to him hm. Explain everything maybe he would understand"

"And expect what from him? To open his arms and accept me back when there is no proof that what I am saying is true or dragging him into my mess. imagine what Jennie would do if she finds out who kook is to me" Plus he isn't safe around me

Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line understanding what the younger was saying.


Finally Taehyung POV

Any thoughts?

I purple you 💜


946 words

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