Chapter 3

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Clothes were flying all over the bedroom as Jungkook was rummaging through his wardrobe in search of an outfit befitting the occasion.

He swore at himself for the nth time when he still didn't get anything decent enough. He really should have gone shopping as his mind suggested to him earlier and it's already late for that now.

He doesn't really go out since he moved down to Seoul so he never had any planned outfit for one which he greatly regrets at the moment.

He decided to just take a shower first and pick the first decent thing he see.

After about 30 minutes he finished bathing and was standing in front of his wardrobe again. He saw one of his black torn jeans and wondered if it will still fit him seeing that been a while he worn it last, he placed it on the bed and opened the part of shirts and settled for a light blue silk top. He always liked the feeling of the shirt on his bare skin.

He got dressed in the jean that managed to pull through his thighs and then the top that was tucked into the jean and a belt to secure the look.

He pick a black boot and put his legs into it, worn his wrist watch then combed his hair letting the curls fall freely on his face.

He looked at himself through the mirror and was pleased that the bags under his eyes were almost invisible. He stared at his reflection for a long time wondering why he was getting overdressed for a common colleague gathering. This would be first time he was invited to this kind of gather plus someone he live to impress was going to be there too.

He check his watch to notice that he was already running late. He hurried out his apartment locking it before going to his car and driving to the venue

When he got there, he noticed it was a restaurant those five star ones and with the look of only the staff of his hospital here it seem that they rented out the whole place for the night.

He stood at the entrance looking around to see the best place to squeeze himself into. He noticed the colleague were all sitting in groups probably group of friends and because he doesn't have any friends in the hospital he looked out for an empty table to sit at. The he heard his name causing him to turn to voice which happen to be an upper floor looking over the ground floor.

He saw it was a table of the head doctors not all though, just Five of them. The two doctor Kims, Dr Min a Man he doesn't know and Dr Jung who was waving him over.

His eyes blew wide when he noticed Dr Jung was waving him over causing him to shake his head, he couldn't possible join their table.

"Come on" Dr Jung insisted which Jungkook didn't want to seem rude seeing that the three other doctors where now staring at him.

He swallowed the lump forming in his throat as ascended the stairs to join them. He saw how the other colleagues looked at him. Probably wondering why he was been called up stairs.

When he reached the floor and approaching the table of the most important doctors of Seoul he bowed 90 degree in greetings to the doctors earning him a few chulck.

He raised his head to be met with all of the staring eyes at him but the eyes he couldn't seem to stare away from was the raven haired doctor.

"This is Dr Jeon Jungkook, one of the new resident doctors" Dr Jung introduced with a fond smile.

"Dr Jeon I believe you know this one's but let me just reintroduce them, this is Mr Kim Seokjin the owner of the place, Dr Min head General Surgeon, Dr Kim Namjoon A neurologist and finally our guest of honor Dr Kim Taehyung a cardiologist"

"Good evening doctors" Jungkook bowed again in greeting still confused as to why he was invited upstairs.

"Dr Min told us alot about you, it's impressive of you to be acknowledged by him I must say" Dr Jung said.

"Thank you?" Jungkook said not sure he heard him right because it's impossible to hear Dr Min would talk about him not to talk more of saying something pleasant.

"It is an honor meeting you all in person, if you don't mind I would just go back downstairs" Jungkook said excusing himself but was cut short by hoseok again

"Come on, join us" Hoseok whined as he saw the younger planning to leave.

Jungkook was about to protest before he heard his direct superior voice causing him to surrender and took an extra seat not sure who to sit close to so he just settled for between Dr Jung and Mr. Seokjin.

"Great, since everyone is here let's order" Dr Namjoon finally says as they waved the waiter who came to take their orders.

Jungkook on the other hand was nervous at to what he should pick, he isn't very familiar with Korea dishes plus the prices seem ridiculous not that he can not afford it but giving they might pay foir him he doesn't want to seem greedy.

Luckily before he could just choose a glass of water alone Seokjin came to the rescue deciding to order for everyone.

He looked up from his menu to see the raven still looking his way, he held back a blush and looked anywhere but the older's face.

"Heard you studies abroad Jeon" hoseok asked starting the conversation after the waiter left to prepare their order.

"Yes sir" he answered

"Dr Min says alot of good things about you like you have good potential and easy to work wit... Oww" hoseok said and whined in pain the next seeming that Yoongi had pinched him and also sending him a glare.

More like I'm easy to push around

Jungkook scoffed in his head at the compliment he was hearing but smiled nonetheless

"I agree tho, I work with you during a surgery recently and even though it wasn't your field you were still very efficient and great assistant" Hoseok added sending a smile to Jungkook way which the younger returned with a smile and a slight bow.

"I hope to work with you too" Namjoon commented

"Ah. Taehyung I heard you are getting together a team, I do recommend Dr Jeon, he would be of great help seeing how your schedule will be packed, you would need a very smart one around" he suggested which earned him a glare from Yoongi again

"Dr Jeon already have a team and I'm not planning to give him away" Yoongi said looking back at his phone.

"That's not for you to decide, taehyung can pick any doctor from any team" hoseok retaliated

Jungkook just looked at the two doctors bickering like teenager to his shock because knowing this doctors you can understand his shock.

"That's okay you two" Namjoon said to the two doctors bickering "if the two of them want him then it will be the young doctors decision of who he wants to work with"

Jungkook widening his eyes at the fact they just played the ball into his hand.

How the hell is he supposed to decide from the two best doctors. He would give anything to leave Dr Yoongi's team but that's where would benefit his field more plus he knows that Taehyung was going to be more strict and no he can't work with the older not when there was still this tension in-between them.

He was still contemplating the most respectful way to answer thus question when he heard the voice he has been yearning for so long to hear.

"He should stick to his field,that will help him more" he heard the older mention causing his heart to do a flip at how deep and low the voice sounded.

God, the older have really grown more matured, more handsome and even more sexy

He would probably be drooling right now if he wasn't in public. How can someone be crushing on their ex



I purple you


1387 words

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