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Kit walked outside with axel, both carrying a shovel for the group so that they may bury their fallen member. "here are some tools for you," kit said. Allen and ben stepped up, but Tyreese and Sasha shoved them back, taking them instead. after years of instilled pointers given by Shane and rick, this was a huge red flag for kit.

"it's much appreciated." tyreese said, taking it from her hand

"yeah, we'll take it from here," Sasha added, her voice shaky, not going unnoticed by kit either

"you don't need no help with the body?" axel asks as kit eyes assess each of them now not sure what caused such a drastic change in their behavior and dynamic as a group.

"no, we'll manage."

"need anything else" kit asks, her eyes slightly narrowing on Allen; his anger-filled eyes, clenched jaw, and how the siblings are blocking the father-son path to them was another red flag. And frankly, one that started to worry kit.

"thank you," Tyreese said sincerely; kit nodded, going back inside. she knew t-dog was watching them from the guard tower along with carl. She already sent him out earlier with the instructions to shoot on-site if they pull anything. Now she's glad she did.

Kit started checking out Glenn's injuries as soon as he walked into the cell block, their visitors sitting at the table silently together in the common room. Kit lifted her head from her now finished work to look at rick as he walked in, visually checking him for injuries. Kit slowly stood up as Judith's cry's filled the air; rick just looked around as he held her, a lost look on his face. She walked over, giving Jude her binky, and put her hand on top of his. His eyes unglazing, snapping to meet hers "you okay?" she whispered. He just stared at her for a minute before nodding and giving Judith to an awaiting beth.  "Daryl's gone" kit froze, her eyes snapping up to meet his glacier blue one "like dead?" she whispered, her heartbreaking

"he- we found his brother. They left"

"he's coming back, right?" a different form of hurt-forming rick didn't answer her. He couldn't. He knew how close the two had gotten, and he tried to talk Daryl into staying, but he refused if his brother couldn't stay. Her eyes filled with tears; shaking her head, she scoffed, "he just left" she was in complete disbelief. Ricks's arms wrapped around her hugging her tight mostly to keep his mind grounded as he's started to see Lori recently. The next couple of hours were a blur for kit as rick got caught up, and he caught them up. Glenn nudged kit awake. She lifted her head from the table to see everyone standing around. She looked at him in question, and he nodded his head to rick. She looked at rick, taking in his posture as he stood in front of Hershel. a hand on his hip, the other rubbing his face muttering no over and over; his body shook, and his face displayed how scared as he kept taking peeks at the balcony behind her. she looked behind her but saw nothing, no one was behind her, or on the balcony, she stood now worried for her friend.

"Why are you here?" he asked, walking past her "what do you want from me?" "dad," rick faced the balcony head-on, just staring into space. Kit reached into her bag, grabbing a syringe filled with a sedative. Hershel nodded; this was something they had discussed days prior for emergencies after Hershel caught rick talking to no one on a dead phone line. "why are you- no" kit walked in front of him "rick?" he shook his head, looking at the ground kit forcefully grabbed his face making him look at her, but his eyes were glazed and looking at the balcony again. she roughly patted his cheek finally gaining his attention "you with me?" she asked he looked between her and the balcony confusion flashing on his face before he stormed out. She watched till he disappeared into her room, slamming the door.

Kit sighed, rubbing her forehead, a headache starting to form. when she looked back up, everyone was staring at her "kit?" Hershel asked

"right-" she cleared her throat, "-here's what's going to happen stay or don't. but if you do, any weapons you may have will need to be handed over, you will be supervised, and at night, you'll be locked in a cell-" Allen shot up

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