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As soon as Daryl stepped inside, kit went right for him "shit," he muttered, "Told ya not to leave," rick sasses as he led merle away, shoving him when he opened his mouth to say something to kit. Daryl set his crossbow down as she stopped in front of him, scowling. she shoved him abruptly, and he had to catch his balance on the railing. "I don't know if I should be pissed or kiss you. I get it, but you couldn't even say goodbye. Just left your stuff and dipped, and then you show up two days later like some dirty knight in leather. Which is great cause I totally need another person with a hero complex right now. And your shirt, my god, that's not even a rip. It's shredded; there's no point in even trying to fix that just going to have to get you a new one. For fucks sake, Daryl-" he abruptly yanked her forward, silencing her mouth with his own. he could feel the neediness radiating off her and internally smiled. 

"I missed you too, kitty kat," he rasped

"you better make it up to me, Daryl Dixon."

"n'thing you want"

"like your vest."

"ain't getting ma vest. But I'll let ya sit on my face," he whispered into her ear. Kit's eyes went wide, a deep blush taking over her cheeks as her lips parted but could not function to form words. Daryl chuckled "come on; kitty kat rick wants everyone rested before we make a game plan tomorrow" kit sucked in a breath, following after the redneck, who was feeling very proud of himself, to the cellblock where everyone else already was. And later, true to his word, after she took care of both of the kids, he had her firmly planted on his face. His arms snaked around her, not allowing her to move. Had her gripping their pallet headboard so tight, she gave herself a splinter.

In the morning, Daryl woke up with kit practically on top of him, still sleeping, her lips slightly parted, the same lips he could feel kissing the scars on his back when he took off his ripped shirt courtesy of merle. A snore broke him out of his train of thought, his head snapping over to see rick in the same clothes as yesterday passed out on the other side of kit. It was a strange sight to wake up to but not unexpected either. Kit told him he had been sleeping in here the last two days after their long talks about ghost shit. He didn't get any of the stuff she tried to explain to him that was wrong with rick, but he knew rick heavily relied on kit and saw it from the first day she arrived in camp. Daryl was not one to take surprises lightly, so he was thankful kit was transparently loyal to him, always had been. She tells him anything and everything, and he takes that trust she gave him seriously. It's why he opens up to her the best he can, not that she ever pushed him to, why he allows her to touch him, and the scars he's ashamed of. There are angel wings around her neck, why his crossbow is parts of his own and her father's, why he doesn't fight her when she picks different articles of clothing for him or different storage equipment. It's why he isn't freaking out. There is an, as she worded it, crazy rick in their bed with them. he may not have been able to understand what rick is going thru, but he understands why he's latching onto kits presence because he himself does it. He cared for the woman more than he would ever be able to physically vocalize and relied on her just as much, if not more.

It took kit a minute to pull herself together last night still in mind, and Daryl's defiantly new flirting or where it even came from, not that she minded it was just going to throw her for a loop hearing it. They leaned against the railing on the second floor as they watched rick digging in the gun bag, everyone now arguing.

"We aren't leaving," he said aggressively, looking at Hershel

"We can't stay here," he stressed

"what if there's another sniper? A wood pallet won't stop one of those rounds," maggie piped in.

"We can't even go outside," beth added.

"not in the daylight, and even that is dangerous," kit muttered lowly

"rick says we're not running, we're not running," Glenn argued, still wanting revenge

"no better to live like rats," merle piped up, still locked in the common area since last night

"you got a better idea?" rick sassed.

"yeah, we should have slid out of here last night and lived to fight another day. But we lost that window, didn't we? I'm sure he's got scouts on every road out of this place by now." Daryl's fingers ghosted her lower back as he walked by.

"We ain't scared of that prick," he scoffed.

"ya'll should be. That truck through the fence thing, that's just him ringing the doorbell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind. But he's got the guns and the number, and if he takes the high ground around the place, shoot, he could just starve us out if he wanted to." no one said anything for a minute.

"let's put him in the other cell block," Maggie said, annoyed glaring daggers at the older Dixon.

"no, he's got a point," Daryl said. Unfortunately, kit could help but agree.

"This is all you. you started this!" Maggie yelled, pointing at merle

"Enough! It doesn't matter how it started. It's happening. If we aren't leaving, is there a we could lure him in, surround him? we know the prison and the area better than they would." kit said, annoyed and stressed. Rick stared at her "like a rat to cheese," Sasha said, intrigued. rick nodded before turning to leave, making kit and Hershel stand up straight. "get back here!" Hershel yelled. Kit had never heard Hershel yell, and it startled the hell out of her; rick halted but didn't look at him. "you're slipping, rick; we've all seen it. We understand why. But now is not the time. You once said this isn't a democracy, and instead of owning up to that, you've pawned all of it onto kit, including your children. I put my family's life in your hands. so get your head clear and do something."

After rick walked out and merle started after t-dog again, kit made her own "soap" for his rancid racist mouth. Half hand sanitizer and half water in a squirt bottle. All it took so far was a couple of times which left the man pissed and left for words when she made it clear his only other option was for her to get her scalpel and take his tongue. Daryl had to bite his thumb to stop laughing, watching her spray his brother like a cat. When rick came back in, he sent maggie and Sasha out watch. "walkers everywhere in the yard. didn't see any snipers out there, but we'll keep them on watch."

"I'll get up in the guard tower, take out half them walkers, give these guys a chance to fix the fence." Daryl offered

"not alone, you're not," kit sassed with a raised brow "besides, I like Michonne's idea," kit added, looking back to rick, who looked at Michonne "we could use some of the cars to put the bus in place."

"We can't access the field without burning through our bullets."

"so we're trapped in here. there's barely any food or ammo." Glenn stressed

"been here before. we'll be alright," Daryl said

"that's when it was just us. before there was a snake in the nest." Glenn clapped back. Daryl moved to get to Glenn, but kit stepped in his way, her shoulder pressed against his chest, looking at rick. 

"what if we combine ideas daryls bolts my arrows while the bus is being moved. ours are reusable and easy but time-consuming to make."

"she's got a point," T-dog said, nodding.

"Alright, let's put a pin in it for now. Hershel, you talk to merle. He's got military experience. See if he has ideas. regroup in an hour." Daryl went straight up to their now shared room

"his brother being here isn't good," Glenn whispered.

"look, Glenn, I know you hate him. I do, but you need to find your peace. What merle did was desperate, and I guarantee he only acted out because realistically, he can't trust you-" "but" "no, Glenn, the last time he saw you, he was handcuffed to a roof. He has grounds not to trust that you wouldn't just leave him again. Desperate people do stupid things that often hurt others. Now I'm not saying what he did was right, but you're letting this all change you, you're blinding yourself-" kit shook her head "- fix things with maggie Glenn time is precious right now." kit went upstairs to her room. Daryl was sitting on their bed fiddling with a bolt; he gave her a small smile that she returned as she climbed into bed next to him, her head in his lap, arm resting on her shoulder. They didn't need to say anything; this was enough.

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