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Kit stood in the crowd as Siddiq stood on the stage initially set up for music, telling everyone what had happened. But kit couldn't listen, not really, as her rick and the kids cried silently for their now dead family member kit just zoned out. she was numb physically; she couldn't even feel Carl's hand holding hers. Emotionally she was in pain, so much pain. She felt like a tidal wave would wash over her and drown her at any moment; a part of her prayed for it. Another part of her was still in denial, like Jody would pop up any moment telling her it was just a prank gone wrong. But he wasn't. 

"It was evil. And think she left me alive to tell you that story. To scare you and to drive us all apart. But I want to tell you a different story. See, before the end, Ozzy, Alek, and DJ found us. They gave us an opening, and everyone fought back. They fought like hell. And what they did was more than brave cause they defended each other. And they sacrificed for each other, and some of them didn't even know each other, but they still fought like they did. Like they were family like we swore years ago we would be. Till the very end." Siddiq swallowed the lump in his throat as he tried to keep speaking clearly. "And in the end, they- their time was cut short, but ours keeps going. So we have to keep going for them and for all of us. We need to honor them. We need to honor them, and we need to remember these friends, our family, who died as heroes." Siddiq said, looking at Carl and Kit, whom he felt he had failed the most. Jody was one of the reasons he was even still alive, and now Jody isn't. "That's the story that I want to tell you. That's the story I want us all to remember.

~Time skip~

As soon as Kit walked thru the Alexandria gates, she headed for the graveyard to dig a new grave; she didn't speak to anyone. She didn't look at anyone. She just dug, Daryl silently helping her. Rick wiped his eyes for the millionth time and nodded to Carl, Gabriel, and a couple of others to take Jody's coffin over. While he went and held a quick meeting with the confused Alexandrians, making sure Negan was in attendance for it and the funeral. No one was okay that night; some were worse than others, Negan being one of them, having now lost his only other piece of family.  

Two days had passed, and the leaders would be meeting again in another two to decide which Retaliation plan would work best when Kit had gone missing. She had left for the field she and Jody went to all the time that morning and never returned that night. When Daryl and carl went to get her, they found a bloody rock lying on the ground and tracks that they could only follow for half a mile before they were covered and erased by others.

When Kit came too, her face scrunched up at the horrid smell around her, her head throbbed and wrists hurt, the feeling in her legs gone. She opened her eyes to see she was kneeling on the ground, her arms outstretched and bound to two trees. "It's about time you woke up," Alpha whispered, approaching her. Kit looked up, squinting, noticing the blonde-haired skin mask she had on. 

"God, what is this the Hannah Montana show." she groaned; a harsh sting landed on her bare arm. Kit looked over at her arm taking note of the now small cut, and then to the twig in Alpha's hand.  "Sensitive, huh?" Kit chuckled; Alpha hit her again.

"I told you your weak habits needed to be broken. And so we shall begin; the reaper will be born again." Alpha whispered, her eyes crazed.

Kit gave an empty chuckle, everything about her still numb from losing her oldest son. "If I ever get ahold of you soul, I'm going to eat it up and then shit it out. You too, Hannibal Lecter." she sassed, her eyes drifting to beta, who stood off to the side like an obedient dog. Alpha growled, whipping her arms several more times, all while Kit kept readjusting her legs till they had feeling. Once it started to come back, despite the excruciating pins and needles feeling, she swung her legs around to kick Alpha in the pelvis hard. She fell back to the ground groaning; Kit's laugh rang through the woods as beta charged up to her once again, hitting the side of the woman's head and knocking her out.

Don't Fear The Reaper (R. Grimes & D. Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now