Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Drunken nights and shocking surprises

Justin's Point of View.

I sat on the sand at the beach a bit further away from our hotel and I threw the butt of my joint into the water. I wasn't high or anything, I shared my blunt with Bryan and I was also used to smoking so it didn't affect me that much anymore.

It was around eleven and even at the beach the party was still going on like crazy. Everyone had a bottle, the girls were dancing like they didn't care and they boys took advantage of them. Bryan was one of them. In a span of an hour he made out with three different girls. I could just laugh and shake my head at him. I was not here to tell him what to do, he came here for a reason and the reason was to get laid as much as possible and by the looks he was definitely getting some tonight.

"Justin," I heard someone call my name. I squinted my eyes to see who it was. It was Conor, "what are you doing here alone?"

"I'm chilling, enjoying the music and watching Bryan," I told him.

"Bro, you're so boring. Get drunk or talk to people instead of sitting here and doing nothing," he said and sat down next to me.

"Bring me a bottle then," I said.

"James and I met some girls, they have plenty of alcohol. Come with me and have a conversation with them," he suggested.

"A conversation, yeah right," I laughed. "I know you guys want me to have more than a conversation."

"What you're going to do is up to you, just come with us and socialize."

He was right. I came to this vacation to have some fun and get my head off things and not to look after my best mate and stare at the water for a long time. I stood up from the ground and patted my basketball shorts so the sand resting on it could come of. When Conor stood next to me he led me to the place where his newly made female friends were. On our way there a few girls came talking to me or tried to dance with me but I didn't really get into it because I wasn't here to make out with any of them even though most of them were hot as fuck.

Were arrived by a group of people. There were five girls and three boys, James was one of them. Next to them was a table and it was full of alcohol like Conor said. He introduced me to all the people and I greeted back friendly and then sat down on one of the chairs next to the table and took a beer.

"Hey there," a small voice said next to me. I turned my head to the right and there sat a girl with blonde hair and piercing green eyes. They were almost hypnotizing. She had a wide smile on her face and her cheeks were pinkish from all the alcohol she drank.

"Hey," I said back and took a long sip from my beer. "How are you doing?"

"I'm great," she said, the smile never leaving her lips. "How come I haven't seen you yet?"

"I was sitting further away with my friend. I was looking out for him."

She nodded, "oh okay, well I'm Joanna, nice to meet you."

"Justin," James said instead of me. He called me and came walking over to me. He was drunk, I could tell by the way he walked. James didn't purposely tell her my name because he never heard her but at least she knew now. "Oh you met Jo already," he mumbled and I laughed.

"Yeah I did," I said and helped him sit down across of me, "man how much did you drink?"

"I don't know, Michelle made me drink so much," he said between hiccups. The he started staring at Joanna and she looked at me giving me a questioning look and I just shrugged. James did a lot of crazy shit when he was drunk. "Man, you're hot," he said to her and then he turned his head to me. "She's hot isn't she?"

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