Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 - What should I do?

Julie's Point of View

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Leona asked me, after I settled down on her bed and told her that I thought that Justin and I were over.

"You heard me Leona, don't make me repeat it," I pleaded as I closed my eyes to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

"What happend?" she asked me and sat down next to me. I opened my eyes and turned my head to face her and I could see the worry in her eyes.

"We fought and it got out of hand," I sighed sadly and looked down at my hands that were resting in my lap.

"But you guys were so good when we came here," Leona said to me. She then stood up and I looked up to her. "I don't understand," she continued and shook her head as she placed a hand on her forhead. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked me and I gave her a small nod as a response.

"Yeah. Let me call Cat so I can tell y'all at the same time what happend. Lynn is with her," I told her. I wanted to tell them all at the same time so I didn't have to repeat the story. I would totally not be in the mood to talk about it over and over again.

I took my phone and dialed Cat's number. I sat down in the middle of the bed and Leona sat down across of me, then I put my phone on speaker and laid in between Leona and I.

"Hey girl," Cat answered the phone after a while with a cheery tone.

"Cat? Can you put your phone on speaker and make sure Lynn listens as well?" I asked her right immediately.

"I can do that," she answered me, the tone of her voice completely changing. "What is wrong, you sound so weird?"

"I'll tell you any second," I replied. Then I heard Cat calling Lynn over to her and telling her that it was me on the phone and she greeted me and I did the same. "Okay Cat and Lynn I will tell you what this is all about. I think that Justin and I might break up," I told them and just saying it made my heart hurt so much because it had never gotten to the point where I was actually consindering it.

The thought of being without Justin hurt so much inside. Not being able to wake up next to him, to kiss him, to listen to his voice and see his beautiful smile. I had no idea if I could handle that but at this moment I saw no other option than to leave.

"What?" Cat and Lynn said in unison and I could tell that they were shocked.

I took a deep breath and then I carried on, "everything was good. We arrived home and I brought the suitcases to our room and Justin said he was going to check the mail. Justin called me then and I made sure everything was alright upstairs and then I went downstairs to see him. He was sitting at the kitchen table and when I asked him what was wrong he showed me pictures that someone took of me and Jackson undercover," I told them.

"Who was Jackson again?" Leona asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she gave me a puzzled look.

"The guy I helped with studying," I let her know and her face went from confusion to realization.

"Oh okay. Keep going."

"I have no idea who took the pictures but that person took them at the wrong moment and Jackson and I look like a couple in those pictures," I said. I really had no idea who it was but the only one who I could imagine to do this was Bryan because nobody else wanted Justin and I apart.

"What were you guys doing?" Cat wanted to know and I let the pictures go through my head so I could tell them what exactly was on them.

"On one picture I was holding his hand, on the other I looked at him as if I was some love sick puppy," I told and just at the thought of it I shuddered. "We were hugging each other on the other picture and on one he was grabbing my waist from behind. On the last picture he kissed me."

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