Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 - When strangers become friends

Julie's Point of View

In the morning, at around nine, I was woken up by Justin shaking my body lightly. He told me that my alarm had gone off already and that he let me sleep ten more minutes and if I didn't wake up I would be late for college. I sighed, letting him know that I was up and then I opened my eyes slowly but I didn't move I was way to lazy to do anything at this point. If it was for me I wouldn't even go to college today because I didn't feel like going there at all today. I was very tired because yesterday night I couldn't get myself to sleep. My encounter with Bryan had been stuck in my head and his words kept repeating in my head over and over again. I didn't want to see him and if I went to college there would be a chance that I could meet him and I wanted to avoid that. He had really scared me yesterday and this time I was really terrified of what he could do because I didn't know what he was capable of. Justin said it himself that if he wants something he was going to do anything to get it.

When I came home yesterday I was so down and Justin had noticed it. He kept asking me if everything was alright and I kept telling him that I was fine and that I was tired because of work. Lying to him was probably not smart but I didn't lie about everything I had said. I was thinking of talking to Justin about it when we lied in our bed together but Bryan had warned me and that's why I shut my mouth. I knew that the first time he had told me to keep quiet as well and I still talked to Justin about it but look what happend now. I was literally screwed. I didn't even get a taste of what Bryan had planned and I don't think that I would ever be ready for it. I had no idea if he was going to come for me today or tomorrow or in a few weeks. He was probably rational about this and had everything planned out already. I was just hoping that Justin would not listen to anything he said and that he would be on my side.

I finally got the strength to get up from my bed and I went to the bathroom to get ready. I undressed myself and got into the shower. After the shower I brushed my teeth and then I got dressed. Then I did my make-up and brushed my hair. I took my bag and put everything I needed inside and then I headed downstairs to eat breakfast with Justin. We were caught up in a conversation until we were both done with eating and after that we went oustide to enter Justin's car to make our way to college.

When we arrived I kissed him goodbye and then I walked towards the wing of the college I had my class in. Thank God I only had double anatomy today because I had no idea how else I would survive the day. I met Lynn and Cat on my way there and together we walked to our anatomy class. The lesson had not started yet when we entered the room and we searched for free seats and as soon as we found some we sat down and waited for our professor to come. I was on my phone texting Leah while Lynn and Cat were having a conversation about something I didn't really listen to. Probably boys or something like that.

Our professor, Mr. Johnson, walked in and the room got quiet. I put my phone away and took my pen so I could take notes of what he was saying. This class was my most favorite class because everything we leaned was just so easy for me to understand and I just loved it. Mr Johnson told us to open our books so he could explain the images on the pages. We were talking about the nerve system again. I was listening attentively and wrote down what was important.

Suddenly, in the middle of the lesson, someone tapped my left shoulder and I turned my head to that direction to see a boy looking at me. I never had noticed him before and I didn't notice that he was sitting next to me this whole time. He was handsome though, he had nice brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. He smiled at me and I smiled back, waiting for him to tell me why he tapped on my shoulder.

"Hey," he said, his voice raspy and deep, "um sorry for interrupting your listening but do you understand what he is saying?"

I chuckled and nodded, "yeah I do. It's easy."

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