Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - New Friendships

Justin's Point of View.

I sat at some stairs that were leading to the beach a few minutes away from where the bridal party was. I stared at the ocean that was glistering because the moon was shining on it and listened to the noise of the water flowing.

I felt like a fucking idiot for the fight and it was even worse that Julie had to see this. Thankfully nobody else has gotten hold of this fight but our friends because if anybody else knew about it there would be more drama than needed. It was Nicole's wedding day and I didn't want it to be ruined because of me and the attention shouldn't be on me anyways.

My mind was still at the damn fight I had with Luke and some of the things he said were stuck in my head and I couldn't get rid of his words. The fact that what he partly said was true made me think about my actions and how I had been towards him all these years but not only that also about my hypocrisy. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and afterwards I let tonight's event go through my head once again...

I was outside with Ryan and Chaz and we were having a great time, playing around, drinking our drinks and listening to the music that was blaring through the speakers in the hall. It had been a long while since I had a good time with my boys because I was barely here so now that I was in L.A I wanted to spend as much time as possible with them and today was one of those days.

The wedding had been so beautiful and you just could see how happy Nicole was with Christian. It was little unfortunate that Luke was his son and that Julie had to be family with him but there was nothing I could do about it so I just had to live with it. I think what was important was that Nicole and Christian found someone they wanted to spend their lives with and that they were happy with each other.

I think that wanted this too one day. All the happiness I saw today in Christian's and Nicole's eyes and they way everyone was happy for them too and cheering and clapping their hands, it was all so amazing and I imagined myself and Julie in that position. I seriously wanted nobody else next to me for the rest of my life because I knew that I could never love anybody as much as I loved Julie and nothing could and would ever change that. There was still a lot of time for that to happen but until then I would try to make her the happiest girl in the world and love her like nobody else ever could.

Back to the party. I was still outside, enjoying myself with the boys until I saw Luke coming towards us with a cigarette between his lips. He greeted Ryan and Chaz when he was where we were standing and then he looked at me. I hated the fact that my best friends were talking to him and friends with him but they made their decision and I had to accept it.

"What's up, Justin?" Luke asked me and I rolled my eyes because he never got the hint that I didn't want to talk to him and that I didn't want him to talk to me.

"Why do you always start a conversation with me, for fucks sake."

"Oh excuse me. I just wanted to be friendly and greet you," he lifted his hands in defense and went a step back.

"Friendly?" I asked, laughing. Did this guy fall on his damn head? "Yeah right. When are you friendly?"

"When? Well I don't think you could know since you hold a grudge on me for years now," answered me and then he took a drag from the cigarette that was between his lips.

"Oh shut up," I scoffed and rolled my eyes once again.

"Why Justin?" Luke asked me, giving me a questioning look.

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