Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 - Make love to me

Mature Content

Justin walked up the stairs with his girlfriend as he felt relief rushing through his whole body because he didn't lose the best thing that had ever happend to his life. When he saw her almost leaving the house with her bags packed he thought that she was gone because of his stupidity. He regtetted nothing more in life but now that he had won her back he was never going to let her go ever again. Now he only had to prove to her that he meant every word he said to her.

And he would, no matter how long it took. Starting by tonight.

Justin walked inside the bedroom and Julie followed him close behind. He led her to their bed and when they stood in front of it Justin brought his hands up to cup Julie's face and then he brought his lips to hers. Julie sighed happily when she felt his lips on her own and she closed her eyes, enjoying the moment of their lips moving against each other perfectly as if they were made for each other.

Justin licked Julie's bottom lip, asking her for entrance that she glady granted and their tongues started massaging each other immediately. Justin's hands moved from Julie's face down to her waist and he pulled her closer to him and Julie brought her arms up to wrap them around Justin's neck and then she moved her head to the side a little to deepen the kiss.

They both completely forgot the world around them as they made out with each other. Julie felt her body getting all tingly by the way Justin was kissing her and moving his hands up and down her sides but also Justin felt the rush of electricity in his body because of his girlfriend. He couldn't believe that even after all these years she managed to make him feel some type of way but that was exactly why she loved her because she made him feel something nobody else could make him feel and he didn't want to lose that.

Justin considered himself lucky because even though he fucked up badly, Julie didn't break up with him and was willing to stay with him. This was not how he planned his evening to go. He thought that he would have another sleepless night, thinking about Julie and how he could get her back. But he was not complaining about how it was now. Julie also didn't expect the her evening to go like this. She thought she would come into their house, get her stuff and go back to Leona's but here she was in the arms of her boyfriend and kissing him like she didn't for months.

They both pulled away from the kiss because of the lack of air and they looked into each other's eyes as their chests moved up and down. Justin brushed a strand of hair off Julie's face and tucked it behind her ear and then he kissed the top of her head.

"I love you," Justin whispered to her, pressing his forehead against hers and closing his eyes.

"I love you too," she said back to him, feeling the corners of her mouth going up in a smile.

"I love you more," Justin chuckled and leaned down ans kissed the top of her nose which made her giggle.

"Oh Yeah?" Julie asked, backing a bit away from Justin and raising an eyebrow at him teasingly.

"Yes," he smirked and winked at her after.

"Show me then," Julie then said seductively in his ear and the tension in the entire room immeditately changed.

Justin didn't hesitate to bring his lips to her right immeditately because he wanted to show her just how much he loved her. Justin grabbed Julie's waist firmly and she fisted his shirt as she kissed him back just as passionately as he kissed her.

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