Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 - Endings?

Julie's Point of View

"Coming,"  I yelled to Justin who had told me to come downstairs. I went up in our bedroom to put our suitcases in there. It was nice to be back home even though I had the greatest time in L.A and I wished it had lasted longer but thankfully my friends were coming over in two weeks and the greatest time would continue.

The wedding had been a dream. The entire day had been just so amazing besides the fact that Luke and Justin fought but thankfully they had made up and were getting along so good now like they never even had a fight. The last two days they had been hanging out together. Alone. And nothing happend. Wasn't that extremly awesome? Who wouldn't thought that it would turn out like that one day.

After I had made sure that everything was alright upstairs I made my way downstairs to go see what Justin wanted from me. I didn't exactly know where he was so I looked around downstairs until I found him in the kitchen. He was sitting by the table and his eyes were focused on the content, that I couldn't recognize from where I was standing, that was laying on the table. Justin stayed mute and didn't answer me so I walked over to him. "What is wrong?" I asked him and looked over his shoulders, trying to find out what he was looking at.

"What the fuck is this bullshit?" Justin spat angrily as he stood up from the chair and I narrowed my eyes a little and took a closer look at the stuff on the table. I saw that there were laying pictures on it and I reached out to pic them all up. There were exactly five pictures and Jackson and I were see on all of them. The worst things was that we actually looked like a couple when we weren't and I knew that Justin was going to freak out any minute.

I was asking myself who took all these pictures at the wrong moment and why would he do that in the first place and send it here and try to ruin my relationship?

"Justin," I said, my voice trailing off as I put the pictures down and tried to find his eyes. Justin was standing across of me, his arms crossed in front of his body and his eyes were filled with so much anger and I didn't blame him at all because I would be angry too if is was the other way around. "I can explain," I said to him. I really did have an explanation to all the pictures and Justin had to know that I didn't know these pictures were taken and that it wasn't how it looked like.

"Yeah, you fucking should," he spat through gritted teeth. His eyes were boring through me, awaiting an answer from me.

"Okay," I whispered and took the first picture that was laying on the table. Looking at it, I tried to remember the exact situation so I could explain it to Justin. "This was the day I met him. After our class he wanted me to help him studying in the library and I wanted to be nice and felt sorry for him so I did. We walked to the library together and he stopped, telling me that he didn't want to go in there because he knew the would fail so I took his hand subconciously and told him to stop whining about it and afterwards I dragged him into the library."

"So you know the guy for an hour or something and you are comfortable enough to take his hand?" Justin asked and shook his head at me. "Way to go Julie," he said, showing me a thumbs up, after he scoffed. 

"I didn't do it on purpose Justin. It was just in the moment I didn't even notice that I did it," I answered him, defending myself. I knew that I could have handled the situation better that day but I couldn't take it back now.

"You could have just grabbed his arm or something," he said and pointed at his arm for an example.

"I know Justin," I sighed and scratched my scalp. "Like I said it was just in the moment. I didn't mean to," I told him.

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