Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Believe me

Julie's Point of View.

My head hurt like hell when I woke up. I groaned and pressed my palm against my forehead. Jesus I will never drink again. I didn't even drink that much because Stella made sure I didn't have drinks after my conversation with Bryan. She knew how I got when I got frustrated and had access to alcohol.

I opened my eyes and turned my face to the side to see if Justin was there. He was lying next to me and he was still fast asleep. I placed a kiss on the top of his head and then I stood up, trying not to wake him.

I left the room and made my way downstairs to the kitchen so I could get some painkillers for my headache. When I entered the kitchen the scent of coffee filled my nostrils. Stella was sitting on the kitchen table, holding a coffee mug in her hands and taking a sip of her drink.

"Good morning or afternoon or whatever," I said and went straight to the cupboard where the painkillers were in.

"It's afternoon," Stella said, chuckling. "How are you feeling? You look really bad."

"I also feel like that. Stupid alcohol. Thank God you stopped me from drinking so much or else I would be dead by now."

"That's what I'm there for boo," she said and I kissed her cheek.

I took a glass and filled it with water and then I put the painkillers in my mouth and swallowed them together with the water. They better work fast.

"Is the rest still sleeping?" I asked, sitting next to her.

"Yeah they are in bed," she told me and drank a bit of her coffee. "Because I was up early I started tidying up. It's not much of a mess actually I thought it was going to be worse. If the others help when they wake up we will be done quick."

"Thank you but you know that you didn't have to do that right?" I said to her, rubbing my temples because my headache was still there.

"Of course I had too and besides I was bored it's okay." She answered, smiling and put a few loose strands of her hair behind her ear.

I should have known that she was going to do it. This was so typical Stella, she was always active and always working. She was going to be such a good houswife when she was going to be married to Chaz in a few years.

I told her that she was the best because she really was and there was nothing wrong with telling her that over and over again. Then our conversation went on about what we should be doing today we determined that staying home would be the best because the others were all pretty hungover apart from Leah since she wasn't allowed to drink because of the baby.

Speaking of Leah, she entered the room and greeted both of us when she saw us. "How are you girls doing? No wait, I can tell by yours look. Stella you are perfectly fine and super happy and you Julie want to kill the entire world because the aftereffects of alcohol are working on you."

"Wow when did you get so good in reading emotions? You are Jesus," Stella said playfully and I snickered.

"I've always been, what are you talking about? It's called sixth sense."

"Whatever. Girls we have to tidy up the mess so we can chill all day," Stella said and drank the rest of her coffee.

"Yeah, let me call Lynn and Cat real quick so they can come help us." I responded, taking my phone and calling my friends.

An hour later the girls were finally here and we went straight to clean the house. My headache had finally vanished and I was ready to get to work. We went to the living-room and I let my eyes go over the mess. It was messy, yes but it was not so bad. I thought it would be worse by 40 people partying. All the girls and I took a bin bag and then we separated in the living-room, kitchen and backyard and began to clean up and put the dirt in our bags.

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