Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 - City of Love

Mature Content

Julie's Point of View.

Justin and I landed in Paris at eleven in the morning and we were on our way to the hotel now. I had been to Paris when I was eleven and since then I haven't been here anymore so I was really excited to be here. When we sat in the taxi, all I did was looking out the window and admiring the beautiful streets of Paris. I saw a lot of people on the streets, most of them were probably going to work or to school and we passed lots and lots of car. From a distance I could even see the Eiffel Tower.

After getting through the traffic jam, we finally arrived at the hotel and took our suitcases out of the trunk of the taxi before we walked inside the hotel and Justin went over to talk to the receiptionist. She passed him the keys to our room and we went to the elevtors to get there. The suite was on the sixth floor, the top floor and when the elevator doors opened we both stepped out and walked towards the door of the suite. Justin opened it with the keycard and we went inside.

I gasped as I walked further into the suite because damn, it looked beautiful. There was a living-room, two bedrooms and a bathroom linked to it. The living-room was big, way to big for just two people to live in but I love it. The walls were cream white and the furniture was wooden. There was a big brown couch in the middle of the room and on the wall was a huge TV, I think I even saw a X-Box underneath it. The bedroom was huge too and we had to take stairs down to get there. It had at king sized bed in the middle with blue and white bedding and matching wooden furniture to the ones in the living-room. The room had a balcony too and the coolest thing was that we could see the Eiffel Tower from here and that there was a whirlpool on it. This was probably the best hotel I've been to I had only been here for ten minutes.

On the balcony was a small table with a bottle of champagne and to glasses on it. Justin opened the bottle and poured some champagne in the glasses before he took them both in his hands and passed one to me. "To us, baby," Justin said, raising his glass and I repeated what he said and then I clinked my glass with his before I drank the bubbly but delicious liquor. It literally tasted like heaven.

"I can't believe you actually brought me to Paris," I said to him happily as I put my glass down on the table and looked at the view that I had over the city.

"Only the best things for you baby," Justin answered, sliding his arms around my waist from behind and snuggling his head on the crook of my neck. "Paris is a place that I really wanted to take you and I thought that now was the right time," Justin said and I felt him shrugging his shoulders. I smiled wide. He was just too much.

"I can't thank you enough, really," I said to him and turned around so I was facing him now. I took his face between my hands and placed a kiss on his lips. "I'm already in love," I added. I hadn't seen much yet but what I had seen already was just beautiful.

"That's good," Justin smiled and then he pressed his lips against mine and lingered there for a little while. "I have a lot of things planned babe," he spoke softly against my lips and I smiled. I was already so excited for his plans but I had plans for him now too.

"Hmm," I hummed against his lips. "You can show me later. Now I want you all to myself," I whispered and then I kissed him again properly. Our lips moved perfectly against each other immediately and Justin wrapped his hands around me tighter as I grabbed his shoulders.

I pulled away a few moments later and took his hand so I could lead him inside. I closed the door behind me when were inside and then I turned to Justin and connected our lips again. My hands went up to cup his cheeks, to hold him in place and Justin's hands trailed over my sides until he held my hips firmly. Our lips moved in sync as we kissed slowly and and passionately and I felt an adrenaline rush flooding through my veins and sparks ignite in me.

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