Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 - Fucked up.

Julie's Point of View.

In the evening of the next day I was walking around the streets of Montreal with no exact idea where to go and I was doing nothing but thinking about Justin and what went down the day before. I had been at Leona's house all day and lying in her bed and she told me that it was not a good idea to just be moping around so she told me to go out a little bit, get some fresh air and clean my head.

I had slept fine. In my sleep I could at least forget about what was going on and I didn't have nightmares about it but as soon as I woke up Justin and his words were flying around in my head and no matter what I did to get rid of them, they wouldn't disappear.

My aunt even noticed that something was wrong before when we were eating I barely touched my food. She kept asking me question and wanted to know what was going on but I kept telling her that I was fine and just not feeling well, which was partly true because I was feeling anything but good. I felt really fucked up. Eventually she dropped the subject and I inwardly hoped that she wouldn't talk to my mom about it but that was the least of my worries at that moment.

The entire night and until this afternoon my phone was turned off because I wanted to prevent anyone from calling or texting me, especially Justin. It suprised me that he didn't show up at my cousin's house because he knew really well that I always went here when anything was wrong with me or when we had fought in the past. But it was a good thing that he didn't come because if he did I seriously had no idea what I would say to him.

When I turned my phone back on I had several missed calls and text from Justin and from all my friends in L.A. I bet that Ryan and Chaz knew what was going on but I didn't tell Stella and Leah about it and I didn't think that Justin told them what exactly went down so they were probably looking for answers by calling me. I was not really in the mood to talk about it so I just texted them all and told them that I was okay and that I would talk to them when I was ready to so and they understood.

After that I was told to go out by Leona so here I was walking around, just making my way somewhere. I made sure not to go somewhere near our house because I didn't want to risk to see Justin.

I had been walking for about 40 minutes and then I wanted to take a break. I walked to a bus station nearby that had cool musical swings and sat down on one and as I started swinging, beautiful music filled my ears.

I was swinging for about good five minutes and then I stopped but I still stayed on the swing and looked at the people and cars that were passing me.

A few minuted later I noticed that someone sat down on the swing next to me. I lifted my head a bit to see who it was and saw that it was Conor, one of Justin's friends. I almost rolled my eyes just at the sight of him because he was definitely someone I didn't want to see him at this moment and he was most likely going to tell Justin that he saw me. Great.

"Hey," he greeted me, with a smile on his face and I squinted my eyes at him.

"Can I help you?" I snapped and that may be a little rude but I seriously didn't care.

Conor ignored my attitude and went straight to answering my question, "Actually you can. Could you please talk to your boyfriend again so he can stop ringing my phone every 30 minutes," he said to me, laughing and pointing at his phone.

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