Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 - Karma

Justin's Point of View.

I was sitting on the couch in our foyer, waiting for Julie to come downstairs. We were both heading to Conor's and James' house because they had invited us and some others to watch some movies and eat pizza. I told her to take Cat and Lynn with her since she wasn't good with the two boys and she would have some people she knew around. Even though I was at my friend's house I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.

Julie and I had been good the past week and everything was just too good to be true and so perfect that I was scared that something was going to happen to ruin our happiness. I knew very well that I had screwed up and that's why I was trying to do everything I could to make up to her. Before I did something I thought about it because I didn't want to screw it up in any way because if I did I knew that I was going to lose her for good this time and I didn't want to because if I did, I wouldn't know what to do.

The other day we talked about what would have happened if I had not begged her to stay and if she had taken her stuff and left and let's just say the conversation had been very emotional for the both of us. The thought of being away from each other was just too much for us. I think, in that moment we both realized how much we loved each other and how much we needed and depended on each other even if we didn't notice it before.

Julie was my everything and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Literally. I may be just 21 but I had thought about being more than Just her boyfriend. Maybe one day, she would be walking down the aisle, towards me in a beautiful white dress and then we would says our vows to each other and put a ring on each others finger. Then we would move to another place, start our own family, have a bunch of kids and just live a happy life together. This would be so fucking perfect. We still had a few years to go to get there but hey, a man can dream right?

"Baby," I heard Julie's voice say and I was brought back to reality. Julie's hands were on my shoulders and shaking me lightly. I didn't even realize that I had zoned out. "Are you alright?" she asked me, giving me a concerned look.

"I'm good. I was just in thoughts," I told her and then I gave her a smile that made features soften.

"Okay," she said and then she leaned in and kissed my lips. "Are you ready to go?" she asked me after she pulled away.

"Yeah, I am," I nodded and then I stood up from the couch.

I walked over to the door and opened it for her so she could walk out before I did and she thanked me with a smile after I closed the door behind me. Outside Julie said that she wanted to drive but with my car and not with hers because she liked mine better. I had no idea why, because we had the exact same car just that mine was black and hers was white. I didn't discuss it with her any further and let her just drive my car. After we both got inside, she turned the car on and drove to the boys' house.

Julie turned the radio on and started jamming to the songs that came on. I turned my head to the side to watch her sing along and dance a little to the songs.

"I can't feel my face when I'm with you but I love it," she sang along to The Weeknd and then she looked over to me. "Sing with me," she said, poking my cheek.

"I'll leave the singing to you baby girl," I chuckled and she pouted her lips and then she shrugged saying 'your loss' and then she continued singing to the song. She was so adorable.

Fifteen minutes later we finally made it to our destination. We both got out of the car after Julie killed the engine and made our way to the front door. I rang the bell to the house and we waited for a few moments and then Conor opened the door for us.

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