Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 - When you love ...

Julie's Point of View.

I was on the way to my house the next evening because I wanted to pick up some clothes of mine. I had decided to stay a few more days with Leona because I was not ready to go back home yet and to live with Justin again. The way I was acting might seem pathetic to some but I couldn't just act like nothing happend and like I wasn't hurt and over it because I wasn't and I had no idea how long it would take me to be over it.

After I had talked to Conor yesterday I didn't want to decide to what to do just yet because it just had been two days and I didn't want to rush anything and do something stupid so I just decided to stay with Leona a little bit more and think about everything clearly.

One thing I already knew was that I was definitely not going to break up with Justin. I couldn't to that. Even if I did, I knew that I would be running back to him in no time. I just loved him way too much to think about being without him and after everything we've been through I didn't want to let him go but what happend now was in my opinion way worse than anything else that happend before.

As I was walking down the streets I was wondering how our first encounter, after our last fight, would be. How would I feel when I saw him again? Would we fight again? Would he apologize? Would me try to make me stay? I was really nervous and for some reason I hoped that he was not at home and I could just take my stuff and leave as quick as I got there.

I turned into the street where our house was on and slowly approached the house. I took out the keys that were in the pocket of my jacket and when I stood on front of the front door I took a deep breath before I opened the door to our house. I stepped into the house and it was quiet. Way too quiet.

I didn't want to waste any time so I went straight to the bedroom. I was relieved when I didn't see Justin in there and going inside of my closet I took a really big bag so I could all the things I needed in there. I didn't want to be gone for that long just for the rest of the week so I just needed stuff for three days and I went through the closet and packed all everything I might need for the next few days.

When I made sure I had everything, I walked towards the bedroom door so I could leave. I was walking past the bed but then I stopped because I noticed the picture that was standing on the nightstand on Justin's side of the bed. It was a picture of me and him together and it was taken ages ago. To be exact it was taken exactly a day before we had gotten together at the halloween party at his house. I had my arms around his neck and I was kissing his cheek and Justin had his arms around me and was smiling really wide. We both looked so happy and we were when the picture was taken. At the sight of the picture I felt myself smiling and I wanted to just stay here and wait for him to come back from wherever he was and kiss and hug him but then I remembered why I wanted to leave in the first place and I couldn't let myself get weak just because of a picture.

I sighed and then turned away from the picture and made my way out of the room. I walked down the stairs with my bag in my hand and then I went over to the front door and opened it.

Just when I was about to go out of the door I heard a voice in the back and I immediately stopped in my tracks.

"Please don't go," I heard Justin's deep, hoarse voice say and I squeezed my eyes shut at the sound of his voice.

He wanted me to stay but I didn't want to. I shouldn't stay, I should just take my bag and walk out of the door but I couldn't. I was like paralyzed and no matter how badly I wanted to move, I couldn't. It literally took me just one step to be out of the house but I couldn't make myself to do that step. My mind wanted me to go but my heart wanted me to stay.

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