Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 - Future Talk

Julie's Point of View

It had been a week since Justin had punched Bryan in Conor's house. I had to say that I was more than amused to see that because he finally got what he deserved. That day was literally the highlight of my week. Everyone had realized that Bryan was an evil, fake ass bastard, maybe a little too late but later was better than not at all. Bryan just deserved every ounce of karma he got and he was still going to get because by the way I had gotten to know him he probably didn't try to only ruin my life before.

At least he was out of mine and Justin's life for good and we could just go on with our relationship in peace without anyone trying to break us.

I never thought that I would ever say this but I think that Bryan's attempt of breaking me and Justin apart was good. It made us stronger. I noticed that Justin really tried to make an effort this past few days and I appreciated everything he did for me every day since the fight. For example he bought me roses everyday, sometimes it was just a simple rose and sometimes a bucket full. He also randomly bought me clothes when he was in the city or some jewelery sometimes. It was really so adorable.

I didn't want him to think that I took everything he did for granted so I did things for him too, for example cooking for him every evening because he complained about eating take-out so much or when I was in the city I just bought little things for him too, so he knew that I love and I appreciated him a lot.

We were honestly going stronger than ever and I couldn't be more grateful for that.

Justin and I were on our way to the airport because our friends from Los Angeles were coming to spend the weekend with us and we had to pick them up. I sat in my car while Justin sat in his own and drove in front of me. We drove with two cars because there were six people coming and it wouldn't fit with the seats so I had to drive as well.

Arriving at the airport twenty minutes after we left our house, we parked our cars in two free parking lots and then we got out and made our way inside the airport. Justin took my hand and linked it with his as we made our way to the terminal where our friends arrived and I had no idea why but I still felt a little tingly when he unexpectly took my hand or hugged me from behind or kissed me. He still made me feel like the first time even though we had been together for so long.

I leaned my face on Justin's shoulder and looked up to him and he looked down to me and leaned in to kiss me.

"Julie! Justin!" someone called us and we broke apart to look the direction where the voice came from.

I saw Stella first. She came walking over to us with a wide smile on her face. Behind her I then spotted Leah, holding hands with Brandon and next to them were Ryan, Chaz and Luke. I hugged Stella first and then I greeted the rest of the group, telling them all that it was nice to see them. It was great to be reunited with all of them and I was looking forward of a weekend full of fun.

We got all together outside and walked to the cars. The girls where driving with me and the boys with Justin. We put all the stuff they brought with them in the trunks of our cars and then we were ready to go. Justin drove in front of me again and I followed him behind.

"So Jules, how are you doing over here?" Stella asked me from the backseat.

"Jules?" I repeat, raising my eyebrow at the nickname she gave me and she nodded. She had never called me that before. "I'm fine over here. Everything is great. Just college is starting in a month and I'm not ready for that yet," I said pouting. I had no problem with starting college again but I could use a few more weeks of vacation.

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