Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - Not so cute goodbyes

Julie's Point of View

I definitely hated studying and at the end of the semester there was always so much to study for. My head was so close to blowing up and I had no idea how much longer I could survive this stress. I had already written two exams but I still had to write two more and we only had one week left until our summer break finally began. Sure I was really happy that in a few days this all would be over but right now it just felt like hell and I wanted it to come to an end already.

I was sitting in the library with Lynn and Jackson for almost six hours and we helped each other understand what we needed to know. Cat was not with us because she liked it to study alone and in peace. Other than that she didn't want to be around Jackson because she said that she didn't trust him at all since he just popped out of nowhere and was constantly in our business. I didn't get what her problem was though. Jackson had be nothing but nice to me and to the others and he really tried to be a good friend so I didn't get her point. But I guess you can not like everyone in this world right?

"Guys I can't do this anymore," Lynn whined and banged her head on the desk. "I'm so done."

"We are too Lynn," I said, sighing. Six hours of studying could really be exhausting and we were not even done yet.

"We can do this though," Jackson encouraged. "It's not that much anymore. Only three more topics. Don't give up now girls."

Lynn sighed heavily and lifted her head from the desk. She scratched her forehead with her fingers and then she took the book and we continued studying. We had so much to do but that's what I signed up for the day I decided that I wanted to study medicine and become a doctor. Deep down I knew that I could do it even do I felt like I was going to die. Too much studying was probably not so good but in this case it had to be good because I didn't want to fail this exam or any exam for that matter. I could get some rest when the exams were over but right now I had to focus. I just hoped that the time would go by quick and us three would be done for the day...

Three hours later I dropped my pen because we were finally done with studying for today. I was so exhausted and my head felt like it was going to blow up any minute. We started studying in the morning and when I took my phone out it was half nine in the evening already. All I wanted to do now was to go home, take a shower and spend some time with Justin and then study a little bit more so I was one hundred percent ready for the exam.

I took my books, my notepad and my pencil case and then I put them in my brown MCM backpack slowly. I was too exhausted to do something properly or quick for that matter. I closed my backpack and then I stood up from the chair I was sitting on so I could throw the backpack over my shoulder. I watched Lynn and Jackson packing up their stuff too and when they were done we all left the library together and walked to the parking lot.

"So, I'll see you guys tomorrow yeah?" Leah said to Jackson and I. She was driving home by herself and I was getting a ride from Jackson.

"Yes. Don't be late and don't study way too much tonight," I said to her. Lynn always tended to study all night and then she came to school really tired and mostly forgot a few things that she had learned.

"No I won't," she said and smiled to me. "Okay I'm gonna leave now. Bye love," she wrapped her hands around me, giving me a kiss on the cheeks.

"Alright bye," I said back and kissed her cheek as well. "Drive safely."

"Always," she winked at me and then she walked over to Jackson so she could hug him goodbye too.

We watched her getting into her car and driving away and after that we walked to Jackson car and hopped in so he could drive me back home before he headed home as well. We didn't have to drive long, it was just a five minute drive to my house. I wanted to walk actually but Jackson insisted to drive me home and I gave in and let him do so. Inside the car Jackson quickly texted someone and then he started the car and drove to my house. The entire ride I was quietly looking out of the window. It's not that I didn't want to talk to Jackson, I just had nothing to talk about and I was really tired so that added to it. Jackson didn't make any effort to talk to me either because he was really quiet himself the entire ride. The silence around us was not awkward at all, it was really peaceful. It was also good not to think about anything for a moment.

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