Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - Birthday gone wrong

Julie's Point of View

2 weeks later

I was woken up in the morning but not by the light of the sun that was shining inside the room because I forgot to close the curtains or by the annoying sound of my alarm that I had set for the morning. I was woken up by light kisses being placed on my neck and on my shoulder. I smiled, knowing that it was Justin who was doing that.

Definitely the best thing to wake up to.

I opened my eyes and turned around so I was facing him completely, my hand going through his hair that was a bit damp because he had taken a shower. Justin put his lips on mine and lingered there for a while until he pulled away.

"Good morning, baby," he whispered into my ear and kissed the spot under it. He kept trailing kisses down my neck until he reached my shoulder. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you, baby," I said and pecked his lips a few times and that made him chuckle.

"How are you feeling?" Justin asked me.

"I'm feeling great," I said, smiling at him. "I mean how can I got feel good when I'm woken up by you kissing me."

"I think I should do that more often then," Justin suggested and I nodded, totally approving of that idea.

"You should, Justin, you should."

"Okay baby girl you should get up and get ready for the day because we have a lot to do," Justin said and then get got up from the bed.

"I will do that." I told him and sat up. "Oh by the way have you heard of Stella and the others? I haven't heard of them since yesterday morning and they were supposed to be here yesterday in the evening." My friends had not called me or texted me to let me know where they were and since they were still not here I was totally getting worried.

"No I haven't, I thought they were coming today."

I shook my head no, "they said they would land in the evening. Do you think something happend?"

"Nah I don't think so maybe something just went wrong with the flight. Don't worry," he came over to me and kissed me. "They will definitely be here before the party starts."

"I hope so," I sighed. "Anyway I'm gonna take a shower."

"Do that. I'll be in the living-room," he said and then he left the room.

I stood up from the bed and then I took my phone to see what time it was. It was eleven at the morning so I still had a lot of time to get ready for tonight. I also noticed that I had a lot of messages from a few girls and boys from my classes and my cousins and even from Luke, wishing me a happy birthday. I quickly answered the messages I had and then I put my phone away and entered the bathroom.

When I was done with my shower and blowdrying my hair I went to my closet and took out one of my black dresses that I had and put it on. It had lace sleeves and it went above my ankles and I found it perfect and beautiful. After that I put my make up on and straightend my hair. Then I took my phone and left my room, answering the few texts I was receiving as I made my way to the living-room where Justin was.

I still had not gotten any text or call from Leah or Stella or the boys and I was seriously starting to think the worst. Maybe they were just playing me and if they were I was going to murder them myself because this was so not funny to me and one of them could have at least give me a sign that they are alive or on their way or something. I mean I've heard a lot about plane crashes and what not.

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