Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Oh, Instagram

Justin's Point of View

I was still standing in the same spott, my eyes still widened in shock because Jessica was actually standing in front of me. Out of all the people that could be here I never thought that she would. I didn't expect to see her and when I'm honest I thought I would never see her ever again. Jessica didn't look much diffrent from when I saw her two and a half yers ago. She looked a bit more matured. Her pitch black hair was still very long and her eyes were still blue like the ocean but they weren't just as beautiful as Julie's. But she looked gorgeous, she looked gorgeous back when we were dating and she looked gorgeous now and that would never change.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Joanna asked and her voice brought me back to reality.

I totally forgot that I was on the beach in Cancun and that was either because I was in shock or because her look was so hpynotizing. But wasn't it crazy that I met Joanna for the first time a day ago and she came from a completely other place than I did but we had a person we both knew in common? Guess the world is a small place.

"Yeah we do Jo," Jessica answered her question, her voice still soft and quiet. "Justin is my ex."

"Well damn," Joanna said and looked between Jessica and I. "That means that all my chances to hook up with him ever are gone."

"Joanna," Jessica gasped and I just chuckled. "You are so crazy."

"I know. I will leave you two alone, I bet you have a lot to catch up on. I will be with the boys when you guys need me," she said and then she walked back to the place our friends were.

My eyes found Jessica's again and I smiled at her, "crazy how this is the place we see each other again."

"Yeah it is. I had no idea you were here," she let out a laughed and went through her hair with her left hand. "How have you been, I mean it's been so freaking long I almost forgot about your existance."

"Ouch, that hurt right here," I pouted and put my hands over my heart.

"You know I was just joking, Justin," she said and I nodded.

"I have been good though," I said, answering her question. "How about you?"

"I've been good too. I bet you know already that I live in New York with Joanna."

"Yeah she told me yesterday," I replied.

"Do you still live in LA?"

"No, I live in Montreal, I'm going to college there," I told her and she smiled.

"Wow Justin, that's cool though," she said astonished and I thanked her. "Did you come here alone or are you here with Chaz and Ryan?"

"No, I'm with some friends from university. C'mon I'll introduce you to them." I waved her over to me so I could bring her to the boys.

It was weird that she was here, I didn't know how to handle her, like, should I talk to her all the time or not and how I should act around her? She's my ex after all.

Arriving at the group of people I tried to find my friends. I found James and Conor quickly, there were sitting next to each other on a blanket on the floor. Bryan was somewhere dancing but I called him to come over to me and then I waited for him to be here.

"Guys I wanna introduce you to someone," I said when they were finally together. "Jessica, this one here is Brian, this is Conor and that's James," I said to her, pointing at each one of them when I mentioned their name. Jessica smiled friendly and waved at them. "Guys, this is Jessica. She's my ex-girlfriend."

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