Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 - Friends

Julie's Point of View

In the evening we were on our way back home from the open air pool. I sat in the backseat of my car because Stella offered to drive and Leah sat on the passengers seat. Leaning my head against the window, I closed my eyes and let the day go through my head.

I had an amazing times with my friends, we laughed, we joked, we could just forget about everything and have fun but what was really on my mind was the conversation I had with Justin about the future. About our future.

I was twenty years old now. I was going to college for two years and I still had two years to go and after that I had to look for a job and just take care of my life in general. I was still young and I had still so much in front of me but Justin and I were already talking about marriage and having babies. The thought of it was amazing, beautiful even but we both still had a lot of time until all these things happen.

Other than that it was not even assured if Justin and I woud make it that far. I mean, we both didn't know where we would be in five years from now. I could be a doctor somewhere in America or in Europe and Justin could be producing and writing music for celebrities, he had the talent to do that. Our worlds could totally fall apart and we could go opposite directions. Besides, many other things can happen, for example one of us could get sick, somebody could get in a accident or worse we could die. God forbid. I was excited but also so scared of the future, so so scared because I had no idea what the future held and everything could happen.

Perhaps, I shouldn't think so much of the future and what could happen and live in this moment, live right now. Because right now I had the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, I had an amazing family, who loved me, I had great friends who cared about me and that was a reason for me to be happy and live my life. The future could wait.

"Julie," I heard Stella's voice call me, interrupting my thoughts. "Julie, are you there?" Stella asked and I opened my eyes and leaned away from the window.

"I am," I answered and looked at her through the rearview mirrow, "sorry, I was thinking," I told her and she nodded in reponse before she looked at the road again.

"What were you thinking about?" Leah asked, turning her body a little so she could look at me.

"Justin and I were talking about having children," I simply said. Leah got the biggest smile on her face and Stella wiggled with her eyebrows.

"Aw, that is cute," Leah said happily and clapped wit her hands lightly, making me laugh a little.

"You think?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows and puffing out a laugh. "I don't know, I think it's a bit to early for that. We are still so young," I said, shrugging my shouders and pursing my lips to the side.

"Hey, I'm turning 21 and I'm having a baby," Leah crossed her arms in front of her body and gave me a look as if she was deeply offended.

"Yeah but that was not planned, you know?" I said to her and Leah looked at me for a moment and then she gave me a nod and turned away. I told her immediately that I didn't mean to offend her and she said that she knew that I didn't. I think that I would just see things different if I was pregnant by accident and that I woudn't think so much about the future but I guess that it was just too soon for me.

"I get what you are trying to say but Julie, time goes by so fast," Stella said to me and I looked up in the rearview mirror so I could make eye-contact with her. "Very soon, before you know it you are engaged to Justin and then, boom, in no time we are all gathered for you wedding, shortly after you have four little kids running around," she laughed and focused on the road again.

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