Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Two years later

Julie's Point of View.

Living in Canada has been great so far.

It was my second year in college and I was studying medicine. I never thought that I would ever study something like that but I was glad I decided to because it was one of the best things that ever happend to me. Sometimes I really wanted to give up but then I always found a reason to keep going. I found everything that I had learned so far interesting and it was just so great so learn about the whole anatomy and about the smallest things about the body and how it worked. It was just great.

Justin was also in his second year and he was studying music. Every evening when we talked about how our day was he told me the coolest things he had learned at college. He learned how to produce songs and how to make different beats. Justin was always good anyways at playing instruments and at songwriting so that was an advantage to this study. He showed me a lot of his works and sometimes we would sing the songs he wrote or write songs together. It was really so much fun.

At college I made two new friends. Their names were Lynn and Catherine and they were my best friends here but they would never ever compare to Stella and Leah. It was really great to have these girls here because they always understood me and they were there when I needed them and I appreciated that. Justin made new friends too, Bryan, James and Conor. The boys weren't together from the very beginning like me and my girls but months ago they started hanging out a lot more and I saw them more often. I didn't really get along with Bryan because he was he biggest douche I've met in my entire life and he didn't like me as well.

When Justin and I moved to Montreal two years ago we were both living with my aunt's family, who welcomed us really friendly, and I was nothing but grateful that they had accepted us and made us feel home. It was great to be with them because before I moved to LA, I was with them almost everyday and I had a little bit of that back.

Leona and I were on the best terms as always and I was really great to have her and Justin during summer vacation because I really didn't have so much friends here when we came and I didn't want to go back to my friends from highschool. They were just that, highschool friends.

It was planned that Justin would stay at my aunt's house for vacation and a few months after college started but Justin stayed with us for an entire year because it was so hard to find a house near college and Justin was not willing to move to a fraternity house and he didn't want an apartment because he apparently needed his space.

When he finally found a house after a year we both talked things through and we both decided that we wanted to get a place on our own. I loved the fact that I was able to move in with my boyfriend that I love more than anything and to wake up to him every single day. We both also talked about it to our parents and they were okay with it because they trusted us and from then on I was he most excited girl in the entire world.

We bought a house ten minutes away from college and when we were on a break we brought all the necessary things we needed and moved in. Those weeks were probably one of the most amazing weeks ever because I got to see all my best friends from LA. They all came out to help us and it was the greatest gesture ever. It just felt like the old times when we all were together.

Living with Justin was better than I thought it would be. We had been living together for a year and moving in with him was the best decision I had made. We really had the times of our lives and we get long better than ever. I was really happy that I had him here with me and that he decided to come to Canada as well. With him everything was greater and better and I felt like I could do everything when he was with me. He made me complete and happy and he was all I really wanted. Like I said, living with Justin alone in our own house was great.

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