Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 - Always yours

Julie's Point of View

Two days had passed here in Paris and Justin showed me literally everything I had to see yesterday and the entire afternoon of today.

Yesterday we first went to a church called Sacre Coeur. It was a big, white church and it was beautiful from the outside and the inside as well. Went I went to different countries and did sightseeing I never went inside the churches, I only took pictures from outside but Justin made me go inside this time and I was happy he did because everything I saw was just plain beautiful. We had the possibility to walk up to the top to have a view over the city. We walked up 300 stairs (no we didn't count, they told us) and when we were on top it was so worth it because we could see the entire city from up there and it was honestly a beautiful sight to see. We could see the Eiffel Tower from here and lots of houses and the people that we saw look so so small.

After that we went to the Louvre Museum. From what I have heard it was the most famous museum in the world so I was really excited when Justin said that we were going in there. Before we went inside the museum we took pictures in front of the glass pyramid and the big Louvre Palace. Inside we looked at all the amazing paintings and pictures and I found so many of them so inspiring. This museum was so big and there was no way that we would see everything just today but we saw one painting I always wanted to see and that was the Mona Lisa. It was not as big as I expected it to be but it was still a cool thing to see it.

When we were done with that we went to the cathedrale Notre Dame. I had known it from the film The Hunchback of Notre Dame and it was a cool thing to see the cathedrale in real life and not just in a movie. We didn't go inside though because there were so many people outside and the line to go inside was very very long so we just sticked to taking pictures from outside and admire its beauty from there. I would have loved to see it from the inside but maybe I would get a chance another time.

This whole walking around had made us really hungry so we decided to get lunch. Justin had brought me to a restaurant which he said was good and he was right. The french cuisine was amazing but italian food would forever and always be my favorite. When we were done with eating, Justin wanted to go to another museum with me. It was the Musée Picasso and I was so happy that Justin brought me here because Picasso was my favorite artist. This museum wasn't as big as the other we were in but I got to see around 300 works of Picasso and I was so fascinated and honestly so in love. I didn't want to go out of there anymore.

Afterwards we went to the Arc de Triomphe that stood in the middle of the place called Place Charles de Gaulles. Justin and I went on top of the Arch and looked over the parts of the city that we could see. We could also see perfectly see the twelve avenues that radiated from that place, like a star. Then we went back down and looked at the details around the pillars, the reliefs that were sculpted on the arch and the names of all french victories and generals that were written on the inner and outer surfaces of the pillars. Justin knew about the french history a little and he told me everything he knew and I really felt like I learned a lot about this place.

After that we walked down one of the twelve avenues that radiated from the place and it was called Champs Élysées. That place was really really good for shopping and that's what we did. We went from store to store, bought a thing or two, took lots and lots of pictures, laughed a lot and just had a great time. It was getting late already and we made our way to the hotel that was close to where we were. We didn't go anywhere by car today and I found that a lot cooler because got to use the metro and we got around more and saw a lot of people. Justin had said that we would see more the next day and I hoped that it included the Eiffel Tower.

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