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10 years later

It was a beautiful, sunny friday afternoon in the end of april in Calabasas and today was the day where Julie became one year older. She was in backyard of her house and prepared the table for the meal she had this afternoon. She invited her close friends and her family only to celebrate her 30th birthday with her. All these years she had feared to become this old but now that she is she couldn't be any happier because she is blessed with so many things that make her life complete.

Julie was almost done with everything and she found the way she decorated everything alright but she still wanted to hear an opinion from somebody else and the one opinion that mattered to her the most was her husband's so she had to find him.

"Jonah! Juliana!" she called out loud and waited. A few seconds later the two little kids come running up to her. "Hey babies, have you seen your father?"

"No," Jonah shook his little head.

"But we can look for daddy if you want to," Juliana said to her mother.

"That would be nice," Julie said and right then the kids ran back into the house to look for their father.

Julie smiled at the sight of her children. They were twins, both six year old and in her opinion they looked just like their father, just that Juliana had her blue eyes. She couldn't be more happy to have these two because they were a blessing and they brought so much happiness into her life just like her husband did.

After they had gotten engaged in Paris, they both decided to wait for the marriage until they were done with college which was too years after their engagement. Those two years were the most amazing years they had. They had been extremely happy and they let nothing and no one ruin their happiness. They never fought, they had no problems, everything was perfect and felt just like a dream but even better. They were in a much better place and stronger than ever and nothing could have ever seperated them.

A week after they graduated, they got married. All of their friends and families had gathered to celebrate this day with them. It was the most magical day of their lifes and it was definitely a dream come true. From then on, after the said their vows to each other, they knew that they were spending their lives together forever. From then on everything went good for them. They both had amazing jobs, Julie as a doctor and Justin as a songwriter and producer for multiple celebrities, they had a beautiful house in Calabasas and they had amazing children and they wouldn't change any of it for all the money in the world.

"You were calling me baby?" Justin asked, snaking his hands around her stomach and kissing her shoulder.

"Yes, I just wanted to know if you like this," Julie said and pointed at the tables that she just finished decorating. She took her time to make it look a nice as possible and she hoped that Justin would like it.

"It's nice, great job baby," Justin said, looking at one table that was for the adults and the other one that was for the children.

"Mommy, daddy, can we play outside?" Juliana asked as she looked at her parents with her beautiful eyes. "We promise we won't make our clothes dirty." she added and her parents just couldn't say no to her.

"Of course you can. Go ahead," Justin said and both children hugged their parents legs and then they ran off the little playground they had in the garden.

"I love them so much," Julie said, a smile spreading on her lips when she saw how happy the twins were.

"Yeah me too," Justin replied also looking at the kids but then he brings his attention to his wife. "How are you doing?" he asked her, carrassing her cheek.

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