Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Old acquaintances

Julie's Point of View.

Shocked. I was totally and utterly shocked at what I just heard.

I mean I knew that Leah always wanted to have a family of her own and a lot of kids, I mean we all do and she always said that she would be the first of us three to have a baby. We believed her but we never believed that it would be so soon.

"Shit, how did it happen?" I asked. "Well of course I know how it happend but how..." I trailed off and pressed the palm of my hand to my forehead, "ugh, you know what I mean."

"It's our fault. We were so stupid. Brandon and I always used a condom. Just this one night we didn't and boom I'm pregnant."

"Why didn't you use one?" Stella asked, her eyebrows narrowing in confusion. I was confused too because why would she be so reckless, we all know how careful she always was about it.

"We didn't have one," she said quietly and then she looked down at her lap and played with her fingers.

"And why did you guys do it then when you knew what could happen?" I asked this time.

"Well," Leah shrugged and blushed. She hesitated a bit before she continued talking, "we just really wanted to do it at that moment."

I snickered and immediately slapped my hand on my mouth. Stella looked at me for a moment and she burst out in laughter and then I couldn't hold it anymore and began laughing too. I knew this was really not the right time to do that but I couldn't help it and by the looks Stella couldn't either. This was just way too funny.

"God, you guys are rabbits," Stella said after her laughter had died down. I nodded, agreeing with her. "I'm so done."

"Hey, this is serious stop making me laugh," she tried to give us a serious glare but the smile on her lips was visible.

"How did you find out that you are pregnant?"

"Well I was talking to Brandon on the phone earlier and then he said something like 'My mom is acting like she's on her period.' Then I realized that I should have been on my period two weeks ago and I didn't even noticed anything at all. So I hung up and went buying a pregnancy test and I did it when I was home and it was positive. I panicked and I went out again and bought three more tests in three different stores and did all of them too and all of them were positive. I immediately started crying and then I called you guys." Leah told us. "I didn't even know something was wrong. I mean I was not feeling sick or throwing up and I totally forgot about my period."

"These things happen babe. I once watched a show where the women found out they were pregant the day they gave birth to the baby," Stella said to her. "Anyway what are you going to do now? Does Brandon know about the baby?"

Leah shook her head rapidly, "he doesn't and to be honest I have no idea how to tell him and I'm scared too."

"Why are you scared?" I questioned.

"What if he gets mad? What if he doesn't want the baby? What if he breaks up with me and leaves me alone with the child?" The happy expression Leah had in her face a few minutes ago vanished completely.

"Leah we all know that Brandon loves you more than anything. This boy is crazy for you. I don't think he will leave you once you tell him, we wouldn't let that happen anyways. Don't even start thinking that this is only your fault because he is just as guitly and of course it will be a shock when he finds out but I could bet 100 dollars that he won't leave you and that he will accept the baby. He isn't like that and you know that really good." Stella told her.

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