Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 - Like a Star

Julie's Point of View.

I think I was smiling when I woke up. If I wasn't I smiled right after I realized. Happy was not even describing the way I felt right now. I wanted to run around the world and hug every single person on it. Last night was just way too amazing to even describe it and I had no idea when the last time was that I actually felt this good and this happy.

I stretched my body and turned to the right and I saw that Justin was not next to me. I thought that he was probably downstairs or in the bathroom. I turned to the nightstand other side to take my phone and look how late it is but instead I saw a bucket full of white roses on the nightstand. My favorites. I smiled instantly and took the note that laid next to the roses.

Hey babygirl. I didn't want to wake you up because I was up so early but I'm in the studio with Rodney when you are reading this. If you are up and you want to, you can come and join us. We're in the same studio as usual. I'd be happy you would come.

I Hope you like the roses as well and I hope to see your beautiful face later.

I Love you, J xxx.

I smiled wider than I already was after I read the message. Justin definitely knew how to make my day and honestly I didn't regret staying with him at all. He was just the cutest and most amazing boy in this world.

I took my phone and saw that it was now ten minutes to four and my eyes widened a little because I didn't expect it to be this late already but you couldn't blame me for this at all. Justin and I had been making love till the early morning and I was honestly so tired and exhausted and all I wanted to do was to get some sleep which I did.

I stood up from the bed and then I went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready after so I could go and join Justin at the studio like he wanted me to. It's not like I had anything else to do today so I could as well just spend my time with Justin.

An hour later I was done with everything I had to do and then I walked downstairs to go to the kitchen and get something to eat before I left. I walked into through the hallway and just when I was about to turn into the kitchen I noticed that I had left the bag I had packed yesterday in the hall. I decided that I would just bring it up later and unpack since I was not going to Leona anymore.

Shit, Leona.

I gasped and slapped my forehead. I had totally forgotten to let her know that I was not going to come back to her house and she was probably just waiting for me to show up and I just didn't come. I should have at least texted her. I brought my hands to the back of my jeans to take my phone that was in the pocket and I immediately dialed her number and pressed the phone against my ear. While I was waiting for her to pick up I walked into the kitchen to get food.

"Hello?" Leona's voice rang through the phone after a few rings.

"Hey Leona, it's me," I let her know, even though I thought that she probably knew that it was me.

"Oh hello, you are alive," she said, faking a shocked tone.

"Yeah," I giggled and scratched side of my neck. "I'm sorry I didn't call you to tell you I wasn't coming back to your house," I apologized to her. At the same time I opened some cupboards and looked for cookies or something else that I could eat. "I was just too caught up with everything. I'll tell you about it when we see each other."

"Honestly, I hoped you wouldn't come back," Leona said and I stopped doing what I did and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What? Why?" I asked. As far as I knew Leona was mad as hell at Justin and I thought she didn't want me to go back to him so easily and give the relationship a break before we went on with everything. I was so suprised that she did hope for me to stay with him.

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