Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - Meetings

Julie's Point of View.

Justin and I were in his private jet, a week later waiting for Lynn and Cat and cousin Leona to arrive here so we could fly to Los Angeles for my mom's and Christian's wedding. It was monday morning and the wedding was on saturday and I was literally so excited about it. According to my mom everything was already done just some little things had to be prepared and I was a little bit upset that I couldn't be there to help my mom but I was trying to help her as much as I could as soon as I was back in L.A.

Cat and Lynn were the first ones to arrive. When I told Justin that they were coming with us he was okay with it but only if I would make sure that Cat wouldn't rip his head off since the last time they saw each other they had an argument. I assured him that she wouldn't. Believe it or not Cat was actually a really nice girl and she actually liked Justin. It was just that Justin just got her on a bad day but she was over it now and I hope he would be over it too so we could have a relaxed trip.

I was so glad that we were going on this trip because I really needed a time off. What I needed the most was time with my family any my friends after everything that went on with college and with Jackson.

Speaking of Jackson. I didn't talk or see him since the day he kissed me at my front porch. When I texted him, he didn't text me back and when I called him it went straight to voicemail. I was actually worried because he was just gone all of the sudden and no one had seen him but it was also really suspicious because why would you leave just like that? But I just tried not to focus on that too much, it was probably not as bad as I thought it was.

Cat, Lynn, Justin and I were just having random conversations while we waited for my cousin and Cat kept mentioning how excited she was because she had never been outside Canada so this was a big deal for her. I
hoped she would like L.A because it was one of my favorite cities after Paris and just in general it was an amazing city but it was the city of angels we were talking about, everyone loved it so she would too.

We waited a few more minutes and then Leona finally arrived and when she put all the things in the jet we were ready to go. We all took a seat and waited for the jet to take off. I couldn't wait to be back in Los Angeles.

We landed in LAX few hours later and were getting all our stuff out of the jet. Christian was supposed to pick us all up in the airport so we were waiting for him to come and get us. When he arrived I greeted him with a hug and then I introduced my two best friends to him. After that we went outside to get to the two cars that were waiting outside for us and when all our stuff was in the cars and we all hopped into them we finally drove off to Calabasas.

We were dropping Justin off first before went over to my house. On our way there we were listening to music loudly and singing along. Justin was slightly getting annoyed with us but we didn't care and kept going on.

"Los Angeles is so pretty," Cat said when she looked out of the window.

"Girl all you have seen yet is the high way what are you talking about?" Lynn asked her and Justin and I chuckled in our seats.

"Hush up. The palm trees are nice," Cat admired and I laughed even harder and she gave me a glare when I did that. I apologized to and blowed her a kiss and soon I was forgiven.

Around 25 minutes later we pulled up to Justin's drive way and I could hear Lynn and Cat gasp at the sight of Justin's house and I was not surprised because that's what all the people did when they saw where he lived.

"He does not actually live in here right?" Cat asked, turning her head to me.

"Yeah I do," Justin answered before I could and chuckled. "But wait to til you see Julie's house. You are going to faint."

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