Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 - Catching up to lies

Julie's Point of View

As fast as time passes a month went by already and it was the day of my pre-exam in anatomy. Wasn't that just fucking amazing? I studied hard and a lot for the exam even though it wouldn't really matter for my grade of the end of the semester but I really wanted to get it right because why write an exam and fail? Lynn and Cat were not taking it as serious as I did and they always told me to chill and not to worry way too much about it and because they didn't want to study with me I studied with Jackson.

Jackson and I became good friends and study buddies the last month but we didn't meet outside college because I didn't want to and he respected that. Besides Justin would kill him if he did anything else but studying with me. I had told him about Jackson and that I was helping him out. Justin found it okay, well, sort of. He was a bit jealous, which I found cute, but I let him know that there was no need to be jealous and that he didn't have to worry about Jackson because we would never be a thing.

I arrived at college and waited at the entrance for Lynn and Cat so we could go to the exam together. I leaned against the wall and sipped on my coffee, that I had bought in Starbucks before I came here, and once in a while I glanced down at my wrist watch to check on the time because I didn't want to be late. There were still 15 minutes left before the exam started. I was watching the students enter the building one by one and I was trying to find my friends between them. I was starting to think that they forgot about me and that it would be the best to go inside so I could get a good seat. I drank the rest of my coffee and then I threw my cup in the trash nearby. I turned around to walk in but then I stopped because I saw Jackson walk towards me. He was looking good, his leather jacket, his v-neck, his ripped jeans and his vans were all back, making look like the bad ass that he was. He took his shades off and when our eyes met he smirked at me.

"Hello sunshine," he greeted, his smirk turning into a flirty grin. By now I was used by his flirty ways and I told him to stop being so flirty but ne never listened.

"I can't say the same about you," I replied, pointing at his clothes and letting my eyes trail over his body.

"Checking me out so early in the morning?" he asked his grin going back to a smirk and I rolled my eyes. "It's okay, I understand I know that I'm hot," he added, biting his lip.

"Oh shut up Jack. You are so cocky," I said and slapped his upper arm playfully, making him chuckle.

"Admit it, you love my cocky self babe," he winked at me and I shock my head, telling him that he needs to stop to babe me because Justin was the only boy who could call me that and he would surely kill Jackson if he knew he said that. "Why are you out here anyway? We have an exam in, like, less than ten minutes."

"I know. I'm waiting for Lynn and Cat but looks like they are not coming," I said sadly and pouted.

"Let's go inside then," Jackson said, shrugging. "It's not like you didn't wait at all and we shouldn't be late."

Jackson was right. I looked around one more time to see if I would see the girls but I didn't so I told Jackson to walk in with me.

We arrived at the classroom but I stopped myself from entering the room. Do you know the feeling you get before an exam that you will fail? Even though you studied like a maniac and you actually know that you know everything? I had that feeling right now and I hated it.

"What's wrong?" Jackson asked me when he noticed that I made no move to walk in.

"I'm scared that I will fail," I sighed sadly and looked at him.

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