Chapter 4

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"What do you mean?"
"Yeah, let's just stay in together you and me"

I think for a moment. I really wanted to just be by myself for tonight. I mean I guess it wouldn't be bad if it was just us two

"Yeah I guess" I nod
"Cool, we'll just watch movies at my place if that's alright"
"Alright then, I'll see you later then" He gets up and goes back to his place

I decide to clean myself up a bit in the meantime.

I look at the clock, 4:06, still too early

What can I do to pass the time?
I look at my desk and see my laptop, untouched. I do have homework.

I can't concentrate, I have too much in mind. I'm never like this why am I getting sidetracked??

My bed, it looks so comfy. The lack of sleep is slowly starting to hit, a small nap won't hurt.

My head lands on my pillow, my blanket wrapping around me as I lay comfortably

nap time...

4 hours later

I wake up to a phone call, Jiyoung

"Hello?" I answer
"Yujinnnnm" she squeals
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" she asks yet again
"I'm sure"
"I love you, but I really can't tonight"
I can sense her either pouting or giving a disappointed look towards me
"Next time, I promise"
"You better"
"Have fun, love you" I giggle
"Love you too" she says as we both hang up

I do feel bad for not going. Should I?

Hmm, I already agreed to him
It's already 8, maybe I should go now?

I get up and rinse my face a bit. I grab my phone and walk over to his place.

I knock,

kinda hope he's not home

He answers


"Hey" I say as I walk in.
His apartment always looks so nice, almost looks like he has his whole life all together, couldn't be me.

"Do you have anything in mind to watch?" he asks as we sit in his couch
"I heard there's this new movie on netflix" I suggest
"Okay, let's watch it"

A while later

I should've never suggested this movie, this shit is so boring. He seems to be enjoying it at least.

I can't help but look at him for a bit. Does he remember anything from last night? How he tried to kiss me?

He doesn't seem nervous or embarrassed at all, just his typical calm and collected self...he's actually so good looking.

"You alright?" he notices me staring.
I quickly look back at the tv "Yeah"
I can feel my cheeks turn hot

You're a fucking moron Yujin

Neither of us say anything the rest of the movie.
This is so boring but I don't want to bother him by changing it, I'm sure it'll be over soon.

I slowly start to feel my eyes get heavy, damn am I really this tired today?

Jaehyun's POV

That movie sucked, that's a few hours I won't be getting back.

I turn to see that she's fallen asleep, guess she hated it too.

I turn off the tv and carefully lay her down on the couch, she's going to need a blanket.
I grab her one from my room and cover her with it, she's so beautiful.

I feel uncomfortable, I'm gonna change into different clothes

Yujin's POV

Barley got sleep damn, why am I so sleepy today?

My eyes wander as I realize I'm still at Jaehyuns place.

"Where did he go?"

I notice a shadow coming from his room, his door is open.
Suddenly, a shirtless Jaehyun stands in between the frame of the door,

"oh my gosh"

I can't stop staring, why can't I stop staring?

I pretend to still be asleep as he walks in now fully clothed.
I act as if I had just woken up and stretch

"What time is it?" I play it off by acting confused
"It's almost 12, you fell asleep in the middle of the movie" he chuckles a bit

He's driving me insane right now

"Oh" I simply reply
He sits next to me
"I have a question for you" I begin
"Last night, how drunk were you?" Maybe he hasn't talked about it because he was too drunk to realize
"I honestly didn't do a whole lot of drinking"
"Wait, actually?"

Now I'm confused, but I don't want to just bring it up, he probably just doesn't care

"I think I should go back to my place" I say as I start to take the blanket off, he must've put it on me while I was asleep

"You don't want to stay?"
"We didn't agree to a sleepover" I laugh
"Plus I'm literally across from you"

"No, stay" he pleads
I start to head towards the door "I should go-"

"You're bothered about last night"
So he does remember...
"Is it that?" he asks
I don't want to look at him, I don't really want to admit to it

He grabs my arm and turns me
"Don't think too much about it, it was a joke"
Why is that not sitting right with me?
"Right" I smile fakely

"You sure you don't want to stay"
"Yeah, I just want to be in my bed, that's all"
"Okay" he smiles and lets me go "I'll see you later
I nod and walk back to my apartment

As I get ready to go to bed his words keep replaying in my head,
"Don't think too much about it"
Why is it bothering me so much??
He's tried to pull some flirtatious crap on me before but why this time is it actually annoying me?

I go to sleep with this nauseating feeling...

What are you doing to me Jung Jaehyun?

A/N: lowkey getting slight writers block😭like I have an idea but I just can't think of how i'll get to that point, idk i'll figure it out anyways see y'all in the next chapter <33

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