Chapter 41

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"Quick take the big room!" Mina yells at me as we rush to get there before Jiyoung and Miyeon

I quickly rush to the bedroom before anyone else

"Haha I made it first" I say as Mina high fives me

"Bro why can't you guys take the smaller room?" Miyeon huffs
"This has a better view of the beach" Mina motions towards the ocean view from the window
"Why did you want this room?" I ask them both
"The ocean view" Jiyoung slowly admits

"Actually you know what it's fine, you guys can keep the room" Miyeon smirks

Mina and I turn to look at each other. For some reason Miyeon seems suspicious when saying that.

"What no argument?" I ask
"Nope. Cause guess which room Seola is gonna have to stay in"

Oh my gosh...I didn't think this through

"No" I say in disbelief
"Haha, not so funny anymore is it" Jiyoung says as she find my reaction amusing
"Shut up. No she can't be here"
"No choice"

"Let's swap rooms" I say to Mina
"What? But I want this room" she turns to the window

"Anyway it's not like we'd swap, we don't want her either" Jiyoung continues to laugh as she walks out and goes to her room
"Best of luck" Miyeon says as she walks out

"That's fucking great" Mina sighs
"Well I'm claiming this bed you can pick one of the other 2 before she finds us" I say
I sit on the bed closest to the window. Not gonna lie the view is amazing, I just have a feeling it's going to get spoiled in the next few seconds

Suddenly I see Seola walk in. Her face changes in an annoyed way as soon as she sees I'm here
"Am I staying here?" she asks
"Guess so" Mina answers her
She simply scoffs

I'm starting to debate on going home to be honest


It was getting dark so we all agreed to grill some food and eat together on the beach. Luckily where we were at it wasn't crowded with people so we were able to enjoy it as a group, at least most of us.

"Don't over do it with the drinking this time" Mark says to Jiyoung
"Don't tell me what to do" she spats as she gets back to her drink

"You drinking anything today?" Taeyong asks while offering me a can
"Maybe later" I say

We were watching how the ocean tides hit the ground. The sounds were so mesmerizing i could get lost in them forever

"I wanna take a video of this" I say as I reach for my phone, only to realize I didn't have it

"You okay?" he asks me
"Yeah, just that I think I left my phone inside" I realize I left it in the room charging
"I'll be back" I say as I quickly walk into the house

I walk upstairs into the room to find my phone on the nightstand just as I thought. I was relieved to had found it as I was worried I may had lost it

I was about to walk out when I realized Jaehyun was blocking the doorway

"Hey, I was just grabbing my phone" I say to him
"Hm" he simply answers
"You okay?" I ask
"Can we just spend a few minutes alone?"
"Why not?"

He approaches me and stands really close to me, almost leaving no space between us

"I know what you were doing earlier" he says
"What are you talking about?" I give him a confused look not knowing what he's referring to
"You only kissed me earlier to make Seola mad"
"So you do know that she likes you"
"I only realized it in that moment"

Boys are idiots

"What? Are you mad?" he chuckles
"I don't care" I suck my teeth

He pecks my lips a few times before going down to my neck. He begins by leaving a trail of kisses on it. I feel goosebumps forming all over my arms as I feel him sucking on my skin.

It would be smart to go back before anyone starts to question anything, but I don't want him to stop
Anytime he just does anything that sends me spiraling i never want it to end.

He starts dragging his kisses from my neck to my jaw. He doesn't say anything except he begins to fix my hair a bit.

He's so random

"Don't try to act jealous anymore. I'm only yours, you're only mine" He says, catching me a bit off guard

I simply nod, not saying anything

"Did I get you a little flustered" he squeezes my cheeks
"No" I try to deny it, but I feel my face getting red

I push him out of the way to pretend to fix my makeup in the mirror. He follows behind and wraps his arms around me

"Hm. My marks look cute on you" He moves my hair to keep a clearer view of my neck
"Son of a-" my eyes widen

I notice the hickeys starting to form on me. He doesn't know when to stop

"This isn't cute" I smack him in the arm. I try to look for my makeup bag to try to cover it up

"No don't cover it" he pretends to be sad

"Shut up no I have to"

He tries to snatch my makeup from me but I not to let him get it. It turns into us laughing uncontrollably while still play fighting

"Yujin?" I hear someone call out from the hallway


"Jae-" Jiyoung comes into the room and interrupts us. We both turn to her not saying anything

"I figured you two would be in here together. But at least have some decency and close the door" she says

"No wait we weren't doing anything" I try to defend myself

"Uh huh" she laughs not seeming convinced as she walks back downstairs

"Jiyoung I'm serious!" I yell out

"I told you they were going to look for us if we took to long" I scold Jaehyun as I try to quickly cover up the marks

"I'm sorry" he laughs as he kisses the crown of my head

I try to hide the smile forming on my face from him. But I can't help but always fall for his small gestures

A/N: i'm trying you guys😭writers block is such a bitch but I'm really trying

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