Chapter 11

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Jaehyun's POV
I'm bored. I decide to go upstairs, the balcony has a nice view of the city.

I go but someone beat me to it first, Yujin. I miss talking to her, I really hate not being able to, but I know things are weird right now. I should probably go back downstairs

"Jaehyun?" she softly spoke out

This is the first time she's spoken to me since the incident
She turns around and faces me, "Were you leaving?" she asks
"Yeah, I was probably gonna go see if anything has happening downstairs" I quickly make up an excuse

She stays quiet, she's thinking about saying something. I go over to her, still saying nothing she looks back out.

"You know at night I like to look out my window and look at the lights? It's something I like to do almost every night" she says
I laugh at her random topic

"I guess we should talk about what happened" she says
We don't say anything, still looking out, I don't know if I should say anything first
"You know why I like being friends with you?" she asks
"You've always understood me, sometimes I feel like you know me more than I know myself"

I look at her, she has no idea.

"You wanna know why I like being friends with you?" I ask her
"Cause you're cute" I joke around
"Whatever" she laughs

"I love having you in my life"

Is she gonna say she wants more? Is it finally happening?

"Which is why I think we should forget about the kiss"


"I just don't want it to affect our friendship if we're constantly reminded about it, forgetting about it and just never speaking about it is probably better for us"

That's not the response I wanted...

"I get it, don't worry we can't totally put it behind us" I'm lying my way out of this but it honestly stings.

But if it makes her happy, that's all I care about. She looks much better getting that out of her chest.

Damn it Yujin...

Yujin's POV

I hug him, I'm so happy he understood
"Thank you Jaehyun, you're too good of a friend for me"
"I should be thanking you" he hugs me back

"I kinda remember something though" he begins
"This isn't our first kiss"
I immediately know what he's referring to
"You remember Yujin?" he teases
"That doesn't count"  I roll my eyes
"The first kiss always counts" he whispers in my ear
"Whatever" I say as I lightly push him

Guess I should explain, Jaehyun and I shared our first kiss together, yes it sounds a bit weird considering the situation we had just gotten out of, but it's a cute memory actually


"I'm nervous, what if I'm bad at it?" Jaehyun asks
"You'll be fine, you just need practice"
We were 15 years old, I came over to his house because he said he needed help with something; that something was advice on a first kiss. He somehow convinced me to have our first kiss together.

"You're not nervous?" he turns to me
"Hm, not really"
"I honestly just don't mind getting it out of the way" I shrug

I've never been the type to save my first kiss for anyone special nor do I plan to, honestly getting it out of the way seems fine to me.

"Okay, I'm ready" he says
He sits next to me "Are you sure?" he asks
"Are YOU sure?" I ask him, he seems too nervous for this
"It's fine, let's just do it" he says as he takes a deep breath.

He slowly leans in as we both close our eyes, I feel his breath really close to me, that's when I lose it and start bursting out laughing

"Not cool Yujin"
"I'm sorry" I say while still laughing, it's so bad my stomach starts to hurt
"Be serious please" he looks annoyed
"Okay fine, let's do this for real this time" I say after collecting myself
"Thank you"

He leans in as we both close our eyes again. This time the atmosphere felt different, it was a soft and warm feeling.
He finally gets the courage to allow our lips to touch. The kiss was really a long peck, but it felt good to finally get it out of the way.

After we were done he seemed satisfied with himself
"Happy?" I asked him
"I do know that you have to live with the fact you have to tell people that I was your first kiss"
"Whatever I'll tell them you were too nervous it almost didn't happen"

End of Flashback

Our first kiss, it's a sweet memory
"Of course I didn't forget" I smile

I look at him once again "We're growing up Jung Jaehyun"
"We really are Park Yujin"

Even though we're still best friends, we've changed a lot over the years, we're changing into very different people. Sometimes it scares me that we'll be too different for each other, I never want that day to come.

"Hey, we're about to cut the cake" Mina approaches us as we notice her telling everyone that's upstairs to come down

"Yeah we'll be there in a bit" I say
"Let's go?" I ask him
"Yeah come on"

We go downstairs and gather around Miyeon and begin singing to her, after she blows her candles I noticed Jaehyun wasn't next to me anymore, he was talking to a girl. I take a closer look and I realize it's the same girl from the other day

We're too different for each other Jaehyun...

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