Chapter 38

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"Everyone, I have an announcement!" Jiyoung exclaims

"You're not pregnant are you?" Mina asks suddenly

"What? No, shut up" Jiyoung responds, making everyone laugh

We were all gathered at our usual spot on campus. Jiyoung and Johnny wanted us all to come after class for something important

"Anyways, we're excited to share that we finally figured out arrangements for our annual trip!" Johnny announces

It's safe to say that over the years we've all slowly united into one big friend group. Originally it was 2 separate groups between the guys and us girls. But over time we saw each other more often and found ourselves hanging out amongst each other a lot more. For the past few years we've all made it a thing where we go on trips together, it's sort of our little tradition

"About time" Mark says

"Who's coming?" Miyeon asks

"All of us I'm assuming"

"Even him?" Jaehyun mutters under his breath, only enough for me to hear

I look to see him referring to Taeyong, who seems a bit confused as to what's happening

"He's apart of the group too you know?" I glare at him

"If you say so" he crosses his arms

"Taeyong, you'll come too right?" I ask him, I refuse to let anyone out

"If it's alright with you guys" he answers a bit shyly

"Of course it is" Yuta pays him in the back

I feel Jaehyun glaring at me. I don't look but I know he's annoyed with me right now. Even though we're already dating he still continues to show dislike towards Taeyong, though I've made it clear we're only friends.

"Is it okay if I invite someone?" Jaehyun asks

"Sure, who?" Jiyoung asks

"Seola" he says as he looks at me to see my reaction

I pause to process what he just said. I don't want to come off as jealous but something about what he just asked doesn't sit right with me

"I figured since were adding more people to the list why not add someone everyone is already familiar with" he continues to explain

At this point I really want him to shut up

"Uh, I guess that's fine" Jiyoung answers

She looks at me and she can tell my thoughts are not happy ones right now

"Yeah so we just wanted to announce that it'll be at the beach house we always go to. It's gonna be this weekend so pack accordingly or whatever" Johnny changes the subject

"This weekend?" Miyeon asks


"Damn at least give me a 2 week notice" she huffs

"Sorry not sorry my love" Jiyoung shrugs


Jaehyun and I get on the apartment elevator and press the button for our floor

"What was that about?" I finally ask

We hadn't said much to each other since what he did. I know it's not supposed to bother me but it really is

"I just figured that we were able to invite just anyone" he answers while staring at his phone

"What are you talking about?" I feel myself getting irritated

"You inviting Taeyong?" he finally looks at me

"So that's what this is about" I scoff

"Taeyong is just a friend. I keep saying this to you so I don't understand why you still get mad at the thought of him"

"To me he's still an outsider in our group, and since we're suddenly inviting outsiders one more won't hurt"

The elevator stops on our floor and we both get off. I don't understand why he's being this way and it's being so frustrating to me

"Why are you being this way?" I ask him

"I'm not acting in anyway. Now I have stuff to do so I will talk to you later" He doesn't let me say anything else before he peaks my cheek and walks into his apartment

"Asshole" I whisper as I unlock my door

I hope things don't go wrong during this trip...

A/N: are we sensing some trouble in paradise?😳😳

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