Chapter 14

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Jaehyun's POV

"You're so gorgeous" I say to the random girl next to me.
I've been coming to the bar a lot more than usual lately, it helps clear my mind to be fair. I can drink and mess around with any girl that comes my way, no remorse.

It's simple really; all I do is observe the room, find a girl who seems easy and naive, eye her throughout the night and by the time I leave I'm not walking out alone. I'll sweet talk with them and pretend to care about all their boring ass stories all that will be worth it since I get what I want in the end.

"So you go to the university nearby?" she asks
"Cool me too"
"Really? what are you majoring in?"

I keep it vague but enough for them to be more interested, I've been told that I have a charming personality. Might as well use it to my advantage.

This is honestly the boring part, I learn to tune anything that any girl says, frankly I could careless about what their life is like.

Looking at the time it's getting late, the later it gets the more bold I become. I notice she's falling for it, it's time.

"Wanna come home with me?" I ask

The next morning
A brand new day, great.
I look around and notice the girl isn't in my bed. Guess she got the memo, not all of them usually do. Oh well, it saved me from hearing any cries or begs. Or she probably was here for the same thing as I was, well played.

"Is she awake yet?"

I want to see her. I know that I see her everyday but all the missed hours from the night time kills me.

I hear my phone ring, I reach for it and see it's my favorite person calling

"Good morning beautiful" I greet her
"Shut up" her voice sounds very tired, she must've just woken up
"You ready for class?" I ask
"Not really, I'm too sleepy"
"I can tell"

"Wanna get some breakfast before going to campus?"
"I'd love to" I love whenever we hangout just us two
"Great, I'll be ready in hopefully less than an hour then"
"Get ready quicker" I'm secretly impatient to see her, but she doesn't need to know that
"I'll take longer if you rush me"
"Byeeee" Shes so cute


I wait to hear her front door open, she takes forever to get ready.
I finally hear her door unlock, that's my cue. As she's locking I walk out to see her. Everyday she's more and more beautiful.

"What?" she looks at me weirdly
"Huh? Nothing" I feel like I'm not that good at hiding my feelings for her sometimes, but it gets hard
"Ready to go?" she asks
"Yeah let's go"

Walking around the street I see how it's already a beautiful morning. The birds chirping and the sun slowly glowing more and more.
"For someone who hates mornings you sure do like being outside at 7am" She says while looking at me
"It's pretty outside"
"Yeah, that's true" she nods in agreement

Whenever she isn't looking in my way I like to catch a few glimpse, why is she so beautiful. I could tell her that all day long if she were to let me

Park Yujin you are the most beautiful woman I've ever come across, I love you

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