Chapter 50

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"Does he even want to be found?" Miyeon asks
"Doesn't matter, he's our friend so we're going to find him whether he likes it or not" Jiyoung replies

It was the afternoon. We had all finished our classes for the day so we met up once again at our spot. No one has heard anything from Jaehyun still, I can't help but feel worried for him

"Well he did say he wanted to be left alone" Yuta points out
"I still think we should figure out a way to see if he's okay" Jiyoung says

"Yujin he's technically still your boyfriend. He hasn't talked to you?" Mina asks
"Not since he told me to leave him alone" I sigh
"Should we try calling again?" Mark suggests
"I'm most definitely not doing it" I immediately say

This is ridiculous. I just wish he'd come home already and maybe talk about why he's upset

"Well I guess we just have to wait for something" Johnny says
"That's it?" Jiyoung asks
"What more can we do? He doesn't want to be in contact with anyone" I respond to her
"I guess" she gives in

"Hey, where's Taeyong at? I haven't seen him in a bit" Mina asks. We all look around to see that he's not with us. Even though he normally joins us whenever we do meet ups, he hasn't been coming lately

"He told me he was going home to do some stuff" Yuta answers
"You know for someone who's supposed to be in our friend group he really isn't" Miyeon says
"He's shy in a way" Yuta explains

"Not too shy when it comes to you" Mina whispers to me
"Shut up"
"We'll have you guys talked about what he said during the trip?" she asks
"What are you waiting for then?"
"It's just, I haven't been concerned about that really. I'm more worried about Jaehyun"
"I think you should make things clear with Taeyong" she says
"Yeah, you're right"

"So do it" Jiyoung chimes in
"Yuta said he's at home. Go over there and speak your truth!"
"You're annoying" I roll my eyes
"I'm just saying" she shrugs

"Hey i'll see you guys later I've got some homework to do" I get up and say to everyone
"Oh okay see you later then" Johnny waves

"Yujin wait" Mark calls out
"About the other day, I was being an asshole"

Recalling the first day since Jaehyun disappeared, I was pretty hurt when he tried to blame it on me. But deep down I knew he didn't mean it completely

"I get it, you were upset" I say
"It's just that Jaehyun is one of my best friends, and i'm really worried for him" his voice sounds sad
"I know, but we're going to find him. Or who knows maybe he'll pop back up any time soon"
"I don't want there to be any hard feelings, cause you're my friend and I care about you too"

I pull him into a hug, he seemed like he wasn't really expecting it but then quickly hugged back

"Of course there's no hard feelings. You'll never do anything to make me hate you Mark" I smile
"I'm just glad I got to talk this out" He sighs in relief, making us both laugh
"I'll see you later then" He pats my shoulder as I wave


I knock on the door and almost instantly am welcomed in by Taeyong
"Hey" he greets me
"We need to talk" I say to him
"Okay" he looks confused
"It's about that night at the beach"
"I figured this would've been brought up again" he chuckles softly

"Okay. Say what you want to say then" he sits on the sofa and pays attention to me
"Taeyong, I'm sorry but I don't love you. I can't love you" I finally say

He looks down not saying anything, but it's clear he heard what I had to say

"The truth is my heart already belongs to someone else" I continue
"I figured, you're one and only Jung Jaehyun" he looks up
"The one and only" I say to ease the tension

He lets out a little smile

"I knew I didn't stand a chance against him from the beginning. I was a fool to think I could change the bond you two have. But from what I've seen you guys aren't a normal friendship"

His response makes me laugh a bit. I feel bad for him, but I can't lie to him about my feelings

"You should find him" he says
"I wouldnt know where to even look" I pace around a bit

"I think I might" I hear someone say as the enter the apartment

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