Chapter 43

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Jaehyun's POV

"Fuck this"

I walk away. I don't think I can do this right now
She doesn't love me that way I do. I know she has feelings for me no doubt. But i don't think her feelings are as strong as how I feel about her

I go upstairs to the room I'm staying in and sit on the bed. I need a minute to just think to myself, to just be alone in my own thoughts

Is she maybe holding back because she deep down feels something towards Taeyong?

That fucking bastard.

I need a drink. Alcohol could help me for now

I was about to walk out when I was stopped by someone blocking the doorway, it was Seola

"Hey" she smiles
"You alright?"
"No you're not"

I'm not, but it doesn't matter

"It's about Yujin isn't it?" she asks

I don't say anything, cause I really don't know what's wrong at this point

"Did she say or do anything?"
"We had a small discussion about something it's nothing serious" I try to move but she steps forward, making me back up instead

She continues to move forward, she slowly gets more and more closer to me

"Yujin doesn't deserve you. I bet you're upset because of something she did"

What is she saying?

"It's probably because of her constantly being friendly with Taeyong. I think they have something to be honest" She starts to get a little handsy. Putting her hands on my chest

"If you were mine i'd never do anything to upset you" i notice her eyes darken suddenly
"What? What are you talking about?"
"She doesn't care about you the way I do! Just drop her already and be with me!" she blurts out

What. the. fuck

"You need to stop. I don't know what it is you're trying to get at, but i'm not leaving her if that's what you're implying" I remove her hands off of me

Out of nowhere she grabs my face and starts to kiss me

I don't move. It's taking me a minute to actually react to this. Holy shit
What the hell is she doing?? I need to get her off of me

"Jaehyun I need to explain myself-"

Oh no. This is probably the worst timing ever

"Oh my gosh" is all I hear

I quickly push Seola away to find a devastated and shocked Yujin standing in front of us

Yujin's POV

"Yujin. I can explain"

I don't even want to hear him. I can't even wrap my head around what I just saw

"What's going on?" Jiyoung slowly approaches me

"Yujin" Jaehyun tries to get close to me

I feel like i'm suffocating. I need to leave

I make my way outside and try to get away as fast as possible from the house

"Yujin!" Both Jiyoung and Jaehyun keep shouting my name

"Yujin stop there's no where for you to go to!" Jiyoung quickly says, making me stop in my steps

Fuck, she's right

At this point I find myself flooding with tears. I have my hand on the car handle, maybe I can drive away. Man but with what keys?

"Yujin please" Jaehyun catches up to me, he has his hands on my arms to make me face him

"Don't fucking touch me" I shove him
"Please hear me out"
"Fuck you!" I shout

I try to get away, he then wraps me from behind

"Let me go!" I feel myself crying more and more
"Just listen to me"
"No!" I manage to break free from his strength
"You're a piece of shit"

"Yujin" he continues to say my name to listen
"I don't give a fuck about your sorry ass excuses. You're a liar and a cheater!" I yell in his face

He cups my face. His face trying to get me to sympathize him, I can't. I don't want to.

"You know that I love you, right?" he says

I love him so much, but all I want right now is to hurt him back

"You know that right?" he repeats himself
"Well I don't" I finally say

I love you so much it hurts

"What?" his face when he heard what I said
"You asked me earlier if I even love you. Well my answer's no, I don't love you"

His hands were still on my face, but I can feel them slowly let go. He looks at me in disbelief

"You don't mean that" he says
"I do. I don't love you" I repeat myself

His face says it all, shock.

I push him out the way and go back to the house. As I was entering the front I noticed everyone outside by the steps watching us

They all give me sympathetic looks as I try to move past them inside

I kept my composure the entire time, until I locked myself in the bathroom.

As soon as I locked the door I slide against it and cry as hard as I ever have. My heart hurts so much the pain is unbearable

He hurt me so badly I don't even know what to do anymore

I hate him, but I love him so much it's hurting me terribly...

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