Chapter 12

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you broke my friend

I look at Yuta's text, what is he talking about?

huh? what do you mean..?

taeyong, he won't shut up about you

i'm honored

well i'm annoyed

annoyed that he's talking about me?💀

no annoyed that he's talking to me about it, he should just ask you out already

hey now...

i saw you both don't even deny it

I won't lie meeting Taeyong was actually super fun, he's really cute

idk, i just met him

we're all meeting up after class, might as well talk to him again👀


I get to see him again, why's that actually
making me so happy?

do you already have feelings for a guy you just met?

I snap out of thoughts and get back to my work. But it's so hard when a certain person continues to come into mind

he's so cute

Class finally ends, I don't even hesitate to get out and walk towards the spot. But I quickly notice someone was waiting for me outside of the room, Jaehyun

"Hey you" I say
"Hey, I wanted to wait for you so that we can go to the spot"
"Oh you didn't have to"
"It's fine, my class was close by anyway"

We walk and talk about our day, I'm so glad we're finally talking again. It feels like a bunch of weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

"Who's that?" Jaehyun asks as we walk towards our friends
I look to see who he's talking about, and I instantly recognize who it is
"Oh that's Taeyong" I say smiling
"You know him?"
"Yeah he's Yuta's friend, we met at the party"

He doesn't say anything, just continues to glare at him emotionless
"Chill out he's nice" I notice him staring
"I'm chill" he says will still looking in his direction, luckily Taeyong hadn't notice as he was talking to Mark

"Yujin" Jiyoung calls over to me
"Hey" I go over to her while Jaehyun sits next to Johnny and Yuta
"Your boyfriend is here" she says as I sit next to her
"He's not my boyfriend"
"He might as well be the way you were talking nonstop about him to me yesterday"
I may or may not had been texting her about him last night, continuously

"You should go talk to him" Miyeon says
"He's talking to Mark"
"I can fix that" Jiyoung gets up
"What are you-"
"MARK LEE" she yells out startling poor Mark
"What the fuck Jiyoung" he blurts out
"Come here"
He gets up confused and stands next to her
"Pretend to have a conversation with me"
"I was literally in the middle of one"
"Well now you're in a new one"

"Go" Mina pushes me towards Taeyong
"Sorry" I mouth to Mark, feeling really bad for what just happened

I gather the courage to sit next to him, am I slowly regretting this? a little bit not gonna lie
He turns to me and smile

"Yujin" he says, oh my gosh he still remembers my name
"Hi Taeyong"
"How are you?"
We talk and talk, I could honestly talk to him for hours without getting tired

"So have you met everyone already?" I ask him
"I think so" He looks around at everyone "except him, I don't think I've talked to him yet" he says looking towards Jaehyun
"Oh that's Jaehyun"
"Is he in the friend group with you guys"
"Yeah, he's just quiet whenever he feels like it"
Taeyong chuckles

"I enjoy talking to you Yujin"
I slowly feel myself melt, how can one person make me feel this way.
"I like talking to you too" I can't stop blushing what the hell

Out of nowhere Jaehyun interrupts our conversation
"Hey it's getting late we should go"
He doesn't say anything else and grabs me by my wrists. I look back at Taeyong sympathetically, who's just as lost.

We make it out of campus when i finally manage to free my hand from him
"Dude what the hell?" I blurt out
"What?" he answers nonchalantly
"I was literally in the middle of a conversation and you interrupt me"
"It's getting late"
I look out to the sky, the sun is slowly setting
"It's not that late, plus I could've walked myself home"
"No need, already am taking you home" he grins

At this point i'm annoyed, why did he even bother? If he wanted to go home so badly he could've gone by himself. I scoff and begin walking not even waiting for him.
I'm halfway home when I realize I'm forgetting something, my bag.


I was about to turn back to campus when Jaehyun stands behind me.
"What?" he asks
I realize he's holding his bag, as well as mine.
"Oh this, yeah you almost forgot it"

He's actually so irritating. I don't say anything and snatch the bag from him and continue walking ahead.

The hell is his problem?

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