Chapter 31

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I look back at the text message I sent him


meet me at the playground

be there in a bit

I look at how it's already dark outside. I'll admit after my talk with Taeyong I was so out of it I did just go around to do my own thing just to clear my head. I ate some pastries at the nearby cafe, walked around passing by a river. Just to empty my mind for at least a bit

Right now I'm sitting on a swing, just waiting. I was thinking about going to just tell him at his place, but I kind of wasn't in the mood to go home

"Swings huh" 

I look as he walks up to me

"We should see who can still swing the highest" Jaehyun says as he sits in the empty swing next to me

"Last time I checked it was still me" I brag

He chuckles

"So why did we meet here" he asks

"Just because" I shrug

"You have something to tell me?"


I think for a minute. In my mind I still keep on feeling bad for Taeyong. I feel like he knew all along I was going to end up wanting to be with Jaehyun. I wish I had known before leading him on

"What's wrong?" Jaehyun asks, he notices that I'm upset

"I'm an asshole"

He stops swinging

"No you're not. Who told you that?"


"Did something happen?"

Yeah, me pulling a bitch move

"I just wish I could be more clear about my feelings before getting people involved"

"What are you talking about?"

"I had to do some rejecting today"

"Hold on. So on top of me and Taeyong, there was another guy trying to convince you into dating them?"


"I'm gonna be his ass who is it?"

He's a bit of a moron. But he's an adorable moron

"Stupid. The guy I had to reject WAS Taeyong"

His eyes widen. I wasn't really intending to blurt it out like that, but it sort of just came out

"You rejected Taeyong?"

I nod

He gets up from his swing and lowers to my height

"Did he do anything to make you feel bad?"

"No. But I feel like he hates me"

"Did he say that he does?"



"I don't know. Guess I'm just not used to rejecting"

"You're not used to being a heart breaker" he laughs

"Wait you rejected Taeyong" he looks me in the eye

"I just said that"

"No wait. If you rejected him, then that means..."

I realize where he's getting at. I turn to look the other way, avoiding anymore eye contact out of nerves

"You rejected him, because you want to be with me?"

I don't say anything, but he knows he's right. He smiles feeling proud of himself

"You like me?" he smiles uncontrollably

"Who said I wasn't going to reject you either?" 

"Because if you were you would've rejected me before him"

He's not wrong

"Wow. you have a crush on me" 

"Get over yourself"

"No. I deserve to feel proud"

His response makes me smile a bit. He's genuinely happy that I choose him

"So I guess I can officially ask you this then"

"Ask what?"

He grabs my hand as we both look at each other

"Park Yujin, will you be my girlfriend?"

His question is something I never thought he'd ever be asking in all our years of being friends. But It's so nice to hear it

"I'd love to"

He gets up and starts cheering for himself, as if he had just won a huge prize. I get up as well and watch as he gets excited, it makes me feel ecstatic

He puts his focus back on me. He pulls me in for a kiss, he's more gentle this time. His soft lips against mine cause a spark inside me as I cup his face. I could do this for hours and not get tired

After what felt like minutes he pulls back

"I get to now do this everyday"

"Shut up you're such a dork" I laugh

He hugs me tightly, my heart races just by feeling his warm embrace. He's like a big teddy bear, cute and soft

"You're my girlfriend now" he says making us both laugh even more

I'm Jaehyun's girlfriend

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