Chapter 5

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The weekend was over. It was now time to go back to school. I was kind of relieved, these past few days have been weird to me, but the most I can do is move on.

I'm in class when I feel my phone vibrate
A text from Mina

wanna have lunch together today?

sure, where?

the cafe across from campus

ooo okay see you then

After class I head towards the cafeteria, when something catches my eye.
Jaehyun, with a girl
I stop walking and observe them both

They're talking and laughing, the girl being slightly touchy, clearly both being very flirty towards each other

"what happened to the girl from the bar?"

I snap out of it and continue walking past both of them. Hopefully he didn't notice me.

I'm sitting with Mina, but for some reason I can't brush off what I saw earlier

"Yujin?" I hear her calling me
"Hm?" I finally look at her
"Are you okay? You seem distracted" she looks concerned
"Yeah, just tired" I lie
How can she tell?
"Something is bothering you"
I stay quiet

"It's Jaehyun"
"Huh?" I'm stunned "What do you mean?"
"I don't know, ever since Friday night when we went out you seem off about something, and I feel like he has something to do with it" she explains
"You don't know what you're talking about" I roll my eyes

"What did you guys do on Saturday?" she asks suspiciously
"Nothing much" I shrug as I take a bite out of my food
"Did you guys fuck?"

My eyes widen as I accidentally swallowed the food too fast and almost choke
"Oh my gosh are you okay?!" she grabs me some water as I start coughing loudly
I take the water and slowly calm down a bit

"Did we fuck? The hell is wrong with you of course we didn't!" I say as I smack her in the arm
"Sorry, It's the only thing I can think of" she rubs her arm in pain
"I've said many times, I will never hook up with him"

"Hook up with who?" A voice startles me
I turn to see it's Yuta
"Hey you" Mina greets him as he waves
"Who are you guys talking about?" he asks as he sits down
"Nobody" I want to move past the subject
"Jaehyun" Mina confesses
"Fucking snitch" My eyes dart towards her
"You and Jaehyun hooked up?" Yuta asks
"Wha-NO!" I cover my face out of embarrassment

The both look at each other and start laughing out loud. I look up at both of them wondering what they're finding to be humorous
"What's so funny"
"Nothing" Mina says still laughing
I take a sip out of my drink to cool off the frustration

"Anyways, what brings you here?" I quickly ask Yuta in order to change the subject
"I like getting lunch here, I asked Jaehyun to come with me but he said he already had lunch plans him someone"

Maybe with the girl..?

"Oh hey isn't this weekend Miyeons birthday?" He asks us both
"Yeah, on saturday I think" Mina says checking her calendar to make sure
"You think she's gonna do anything?"
"Of course she is, and if she wasn't planning to at first Jiyeon definitely convinced her to" I say as I finish the rest of my drink
"You can't skip out on these plans this time Yujin" he teases as he pats my head
"It was only a one day thing leave me alone" I say as I smack his hand away

"You'd think if she does confirm anything I could bring over a friend?" he asks
"You'd have to ask, who do you plan on bringing?" I ask
"My friend, Taeyong"
"Never heard of him" Mina says as she tries to think if she's ever met anyone with that name
"He's an old friend of mine, but he's moving here soon and I want him to start meeting some new people" he explains
"And you want to torture the guy by bringing him to our parties?" I ask jokingly
"Whatever, I'm sure you guys would really like him"

"We'll see, I'm picky when it comes to people"
"Mhm sure" Mina scoffs
"What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing" she looks away taking a sip of her drink

"I think it's time I should get back to class" Yuta looks at his watch
"Yeah us too" Mina says as she grabs her stuff
"Hey I'll ask Miyeon if she's doing anything, I'm sure she wouldn't mind you bringing your friend" I say to him
"Awesome, I'll talk to you guys later" He waves at us and leaves first
"Hm, Taeyong sounds promising for you" Mina says as she pokes my arm
"You haven't even met the guy how would you know?"
"Just an instinct"
"Instinct my ass" I mumble

"We should all meet up at the spot after class" Mina says as we walk back to campus
"Okay, let everyone else know in the group chat"
I wave bye to her as we head out separate ways

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