Chapter 52

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Yujin's POV

This long ass drive better not have been for nothing. I have been driving the past few hours to get to where Jaehyun is at. It's getting more and more late but I don't care. Plus accordingly to him he's waiting on Yuta so he'd definitely still awake

Originally he sent his address to Yuta for him to come over, but instead Yuta gave it to me so that I can go see him, and hopefully be able to talk.

He doesn't know, I don't know how he's gonna react. But I have a feeling he won't be too ecstatic to see me

I finally made it to the hotel he was staying at. He came to another beach

I guess I better go in...

I get on the elevator and press the button to the floor he's in. As it goes up i'm mentally preparing myself. I have no idea what to say to him

I'm an idiot if I had just listened to him things wouldn't have escalated to this point. I feel terrible for treating him the way I did

The elevator stops as I reach his floor

Damn. I'm not ready

I still can't think of what I'll say. I'm nervous and worried I'm too late

I knock on the door and wait. Maybe I'm being dumb, maybe I should just go back home instead

Suddenly the door opens, there he is. At first his face showed excitement, but then it drops when he realizes it wasn't Yuta who was visiting him, but me instead

"Hi" is all I can say to him

"What are you doing here?" he asks
"I want to talk"

He lets me in but I can tell he's not too happy to see me

"Now you want to talk" he says as he shuts the door

"I told Yuta to come, I didn't say anyone else to"
"I know, but he told me to" I explain

"He gave me your address and told me to use it as an opportunity to talk to you"
"Fucking traitor" he mutters

"Look I don't want to be like this forever I just want to work things out"
"That's funny, it's almost as if that's what I was trying to do this entire time" he scoffs

It's so hard to say anything when he's actually right

"I found out what happened that night" I say
"Hm" he doesn't look at me
"And it was wrong of me to just assume"

"Why did you just assume?" he asks
"What do you mean?"
"I told you numerous times how badly I wanted to be with you and you still accuse me of cheating. Why?"

This is bad

"We had just gotten into an argument and in that moment that's all I could think of" even my explanation is stupid

"The problem is that you don't trust me, and that's not fair" he says
"Of course I do"
"No you don't, I know you had suspicions on whether I was cheating on you with Seola even before the kiss"

"It's not that I thought you were cheating on me it's that you knew she had a crush on you but you still kept her around"

"The same thing with you and Taeyong"

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