Chapter 18

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I wake up and realize I'm not in my bed, but still at a familiar place. I guess I feel asleep at Jaehyun's place. I try to get up, but i feel something tight wrapped around my waist, Jaehyun's arms.

"Damnit" I whisper
He's really strong, plus he's still asleep

When did we even fall asleep?
Crap I'm gonna be late to class

I grab a pillow on the floor and fling it at his face. He wakes up almost instantly
"What the fuck" he still sounds tired
"Get up. There's classes to get to"
"I forgot you stayed"
"You let me sleepover?"
"Yeah, you were too sleepy"

"Just realized I didn't do any of my homework because of you" I say
"Sorryyy" He laughs
"Whatever, I'll just stay working on it during lunch"
"I'll do it for you"
"You're funny, but no"
"But I was gonna ask you to have lunch with me today"
"Next time" I say while patting his head
He looks disappointed

"I gotta go get ready, don't wait for me" I say
"I'll wait"
"No, you'll be late just go" I say and close his door

I decided to skip lunch and finish my work in the library. I felt bad that I couldn't hangout with Jaehyun, but I needed to get this done

"Yujin?" I hear an unfamiliar voice call me
I look up and see that it's someone I've never talked to before. Then I realize who it is, Jaehyun's friend
"Hi" I simply reply
"I'm a friend of Jaehyun, Seola" She extends her hand to shake mine
"Nice to meet you" I give her a little smile, what does she want?
"Is it okay if I sit here?"
I really wanted to work, but I don't want to be rude
"Yeah sure go ahead"

"So Jaehyun asked me to present myself to you"
"That idiot"
"It's okay I don't mind, but I am curious"
"About what?"
"Are you guys dating?"
Not a shocking question, I get this all the time
"Nope. We're just really close friends"
"That's good"

Good? Why good?

"How come you wanted to know who I was?"
"It's not that, I was just confused since he never mentioned you before"
"Funny, he mentions you a lot" she bits her tongue
She doesn't say anything else, but continues to stare at me. This is so weird how can I get out of this?

"Well, we're friends. But between you and me, I plan on changing that very soon"
Oh she's bold.
"That'" I smile
"Yeah. So I don't know what's going on between you two, but enjoy it. It may change pretty soon"
What is she saying?
"I have to go, but it was nice to finally meet you. I hope we can hangout more very soon"
I wave at her.

No way in hell am I becoming friends with her...


"I don't know what she meant by that but it was so weird!"
"It sounds like she wants to steal your man" Jiyoung says while fixing her nail
"He's not my man"
"Suree" She chuckles

I retell the interaction between me and Seola to my friends. Fortunately, the guys weren't here to listen.
"Are you gonna tell Jaehyun?" Mina asks
"I don't know if I should"
"I mean what if they really are in like a talking stage or something?"
"So?" Miyeon asks
"He's not really a relationship guy, this could probably be a new change for him"

"Right since all he likes to do is have sex with girls and move on to the next" Mina scoffs
"Wow, sounds like he tried to get with you" Jiyoung sneers
"No, I just hate his actions"
"Me too, that's why I'm confused on their relationship" I sit down

"We should ask one of the guys if they know anything" Jiyoung suggests
"They'll tell him we asked" Miyeon says
"I don't want it to turn into a big deal" I rest my grands on my forehead
"Boo!" Jiyoung sticks her tongue out
"Real mature" Mina smacks her arm
"I won't ask until I have a reason to"
"Suit yourself" Miyeon goes back to her schoolwork

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