Part 1

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Izuku Pov

I growl at the female following me "What do you want" I growl turning around holding my gun our toward her. She squeaks and hides behind her folder "I-I was told to bring you th-this folder" I cautiously walk over to her then grab the folder "you couldn't have gave it to me tomorrow" I look at her while opening the folder and she shakes her head.

"I-I'm sorry sir b-but Mr. Todoroki said th-that it was Im-important and to give it to yo-you immediately" I sigh and nod, "okay, you Can go tell todoroki I've got it" she nods then runs off. I sigh and call my chauffeur "Mr. Midoryia in here" I turn around and nod "Hello Iida" I walk towards the car and he opens the door for me, "thank you" he nods then runs to his door and starts driving.

I sigh as I look through the work the girl gave me, "Hmm Nakao Hisoka, business partners with Azuma Takeshi" i flip through the pages and growl and look forward, "Um Mr. Midoryia" i look out my window "yeah" he stops at a red light "i think you should relax a little and take a break" I sigh and shake my head "no this is a very important mission" he nods and smiles "well once you finish the mission will you" I nod and grab the folder, "yeah"

After the light changes he started driving again, "Would you like to get your office ready for you sir" I nod "yes" iida nods and clicks a button "Hello Tsu can you please get the bosses office cleaned up" "yeah how far are you two" iida looks out the window and nods "about 10 minutes away" "okay it'll be ready by the time you get here" "thank you tsu" iida continues to drive. I look at the folder again and look through the details, I flip through the papers and stop at one.

I place a sticky note on the page and close it, the we car stops and iida gets out and opens my door. I step out and nod to him "I'm gonna head to my office" iida nods and closes the door behind me. I walk up to my office and sit at my desk, I open the folder to the page with the sticky note. "Okay Let see" i say as I read over the page, "Omegasnacks, they own a strip club" I flip the page and read the notes Todoroki left for me "they sell omegas"

I stand up and walk over to my door, "Iida, call todoroki for me" "Yes sir" iida says surprised, "Hm Midoryia" he says confused "did you get my notes" I nod even though he can't see me "yes I did Can you come to that strip club with me" todoroki hums "yeah when" "tonight if possible" "yeah" "good let's meet at 8:00" "okay" I hang up and look at iida, "iida i know you don't like strip clubs but will you please come with me as well" iida nods "of course sir"

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