Part 2

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About 2 hours later I meet up with todoroki outside the club "todoroki, they start selling at like 9:00 so we are gonna need to figure out where they sell them" todoroki nods and iida lead us in, as I walk in I immediately get hit by the scents of lots of omegas and of disgusting alphas. "Hello handsome alpha" I blond girl walks up to me and starts rubbing me "would you like a private dance" she leans towards my ear "it's on me" she whispers then licks my ear.

I smirk and look at todoroki the back to the girl, "sure love... lead the way" she smirks and starts dragging me towards a room with a curtain as a door. she pushes me down "So mr. Alpha~" she says flirtatiously and starts to give me s lap dance "how would you feel if I asked to bring this to a more secret room after this"

I look away uncomfortable, "hey love I'm sorry to Interrupt your dance and your mood" she looks at me confused and stands up "your gay" she says confused "we-well Bi but that's not the point, i came here to find where they sell omegas" she nods "well actually it's gonna happen soon and today and you need a pass" i nod "damn it, I don't have a pass" she smiles, "I can get you one"

I look up quickly, "what do you want in return, "either to see you shirtless or a big tip" I nod and take my shirt off then give her 600 dollars, "you can get both" she nods then leaves and gets a pass, I put my shirt on and she came back "here you go sir" I nod "thanks love"

I leave the room to meet up with todoroki bump into someone "hey are you okay" the person looks up at me a growl "beat it alpha" I smirk "feisty omega" he glares at me and walks off, I smirk then turn around. A strong caramel scent hits me, "woah someone's in heat" I whisper to my self.

"todoroki I got a pass only one though" todoroki nods, "oh you can bring a person with" I say looking at it, todoroki looks at it and nods "hey iida" he looks at me uncomfortably "yes sir" I smile "you can wait in the car while todoroki and I got to the omega auction" he nods and hurry's out.

"Okay so where do we go" todoroki asks, i look around and see a man talking to another by a door, the man nods and looks straight forward. I point to where the man is and todoroki nods "but it starts in like half an hour now so let's just wait okay" he nods again, i suddenly get grabbed and todoroki does as well, "oi what the hell" I say confused.

I turn around and see a man, "you two are participating in this auction correct" we nod and he smirks, "you two can look at our omega we're selling instead of watching these ones" we nod and follow him. "Okay here's the omegas that we are selling" I look around and see about 3 dozen alphas drooling over the omegas dancing.

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