Part 26

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Katsuki POV

"Izuku seems rushed lately, I know he's trying to keep me safe and everything scares him but I'm worried he's going to get caught up in something" I say sadly then look to Mina "And if you make fun of me for this I swear I'll get izuku to kill you or I'll do it myself" I glare at her.

Mina smiles "I won't! I won't! Also he's always going to have this danger, I mean he is a mafia boss" she says sounding as if she doesn't know how to help comfort me.

"Yeah and I hate that! I don't want him to live this life, I don't want him to have to constantly be looking over his shoulder or hiding things from me" i say, looking pleadingly at Mina. She smiles reassuringly. "I get it, I do. You just care about him, that's why it upsets you to have to hide things from him. But you're doing the right thing for his safety".

I nod as she adds on "Plus I don't think he's hiding anything from you. He's just trying to get all of the work he's missed down and out of the way for your guys child"

I nod sadly. I am still worried about him and the risks he is taking, but I (somewhat) trust Mina's judgment. She was right; Izuku is probably just trying to get caught up on his work in order to spend more time with the baby, which was a good thing. I just need to trust his strength and not let my worries get the best of me.

"Yeah, you're right," i say, letting out a deep breath. "I just need to trust him and let him do what he needs to do. I know it's dangerous and it worries me, but I know he's capable of handling it."

Mina nods. "Exactly. You need to have faith in him. He's a smart and strong person and he's always looking out for you. Plus, he's a mafia boss; let's be real, he can handle himself" she adds with a teasing smile.

I smile despite my worry still present the  nod. Mina is right; i need to trust Izuku. He has already shown time and again that he is capable of taking care of himself and the people he cared about. I just need to have faith in him and let things play out.

"I'll try," i say with a small smile. "Thanks for listening to me, I know I sound kind of clingy and weird about him" Mina chuckles. "You are kind of clingy and weird about him, but I get it. You love him too much not to be" she teases with a giggle at the end.

"Shut up," i say, blushing a bit. Mina chuckles again. "Okay, I will. But only because you're cute when you're blushing." I glares at the her, and she laughs again. "Oop, looks like I hit a nerve. Well, I guess that's my cue to go. Good luck and just remember: trust him, and let him do his thing." She gives me one last smile then walks away, leaving me alone with your thoughts.

I spend a few moments thinking about what Mina had said, and i can't help but find myself agreeing. I do need to trust Izuku and let him do his thing. He was a capable man who could handle himself, and i need to have faith in his abilities. I am only worrying because i care about him, and as long as i kept that in mind, i know things will be okay.

But there was one thing that still bothered me—the fact that he had been sent an anonymous email. It seemed strange that he would have a reason to hide it from me, especially now that we are expecting a baby together. I can't help but feel like there was something more going on that he wasn't telling me.

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