Part 21

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Seros pov

"Bakubabe is so lucky," Mina says squealing, as she's peaking through the library door "Why is that," I say, crossing my arms behind her. She looks back at me and points at the door "his mate is hot, caring, supportive, and totally gives amazing father vibes" I roll my eyes and pull Mina away "Yeah yeah yeah I wanted to make sure he was okay, not spy on them" she Hums "I Know".

Katsuki pov

"Oh that one looks delicious," Izuku says smiling, I look at it and hum "It does maybe I'll make it soon" he smiles widely, resting his head on his fist "Katsuki" I look at him smiling "I love you" I blush and look down "where's that come from" he smiles and stands up "my heart" I blush and nod "I love you too"

Izuku kisses my head and walks to the door, "I'm going to get back to work, see you in a bit" I nod and continue to look through the cookbooks "Let's go iida" he says, smiling and looking at the ground.

Izuku pov

My phone dings and I look at it "Huh he's closer" I mumble quietly as I think about what to do. "Sorry to interrupt your mumbles but who is closer" I hear a familiar voice say "Aha you," I say pointing at Kirishima, "you, please stay near Katsuki when I'm not, my cousin is targeting him" Kirishima's eyes widen "please for his safety"

He nods and walks to the library, "thanks" I yell at him before he closes the door. "Iida I need help" iida looks at me and nods "Anything" I nod and start walking to my offices "You need to sit here and keep an eye on Tenko's location and inform me of any updates"

Iida nods and gets straight to work, "Sero" I mumble and walk into the living room, "Sero" I say louder and walk up to him. He glared at me "Hah what do you need" I took a deep breath "Protect Katsuki" he looked at me confused "From what" I looked up "My cousin, Kirishima is already, but it doesn't hurt to be safe" I looked at him "I'll pay you guys just please keep him safe".

Sero nods "Where is he" I smile "Library" he starts walking that way "Thank you guys," I say quietly and hear a hum come from Sero. "Mina and Denki" they look at me confused, "just keep him happy for right now" They nod "GAME NIGHT" Mina yells happily.

"Before any pups come along we have to keep my cousin away" I mumble on my way back to my office, I walk in and sit down on my other chair take out my phone, and search "How do I know if my mates pregnant" I scroll through many articles about how to tell and find much useful information and many not so useful information.

"DAMN IT" I yell causing iida to jump, "sorry iida" I groan "he's pregnant, and Tenkos not going to leave us alone" iida gasps "KATSUKIS PREGNANT" I glare at him "Shut up, but yeah something's different about his inner omega, seems more hostile yet sensitive"

iida nods "Well let's make sure that we ke-" Suddenly my laptop and phone ding "he's closer" I look at my computer and growl "he's camping outside" I run to the library and check on katsuki.

"Izuku," he says confused, "let's eat dinner I'm starved" katsuki smiles and gets up "Alright" I look at everyone else and nod. They get defensive immediately and then follow us into the kitchen.

Sorry for being so inactive, Wattpad offloaded itself and I haven't had amazing ideas for this story I'll try to get as much out as I can

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