Part 6

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The redhead glares at me "you threatened to kill everyone he grew up with" I growl "I did not I simply asked for help shutting the place down peacefully and if he didn't help that Id have to go a differed route" the redhead looks at me like I'm dumb "Dude listen to what you say sometimes"

I look at iida "does it sound like I'm threatening" he shrugs "that's how you always say things" I hum and shrug "I'm trying to take care of that place without the trouble of killing all the people there but I can't without katsuki telling me information about it"

"I guess I understand but katsuki grew up there it's where he spent his whole life would you want to help someone who threatened to destroy the place you grew up just because it's not a safe place" I stare at him blankly "I DIDNT FUCKING THREATEN TO DO ANYTHING" the redhead sighs "that's not the point"

I sigh and think "well I guess I wouldn't care but I grew up with people killing others and stealing other people's properties and lives" the redhead looks at me "...okay... well what if someone else like a random guy on the street said they will take your spot as the boss and take your future wife and all"

I growl and take out my gun "who the fuck said that nobody is touching katsuki" he looks at me with the 'are you fucking kidding me' face "hey when you make that face you're practically calling me a Dumbass" he sighs "I know"

I growl "okay but I didn't even threaten anything, that would make it so katsuki would hurt so why would I do that" redhead loser walks over to Katsuki. "Are you okay?" he says I growl and pull him away from Katsuki "I didn't fucking harm him and won't"  the Red idiot looks at me "I already know that"

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